Page 3 of Twisted Road

She laughs. “If you engaged with any of the platforms where digital marketing is utilized it’ll help put things in perspective. So, if you actuallyhadsocial media.”

“Maybe, but I like my privacy,” I say, hesitantly. It isn’t a lie. I dolikeprivacy, but really, Ineedit. I avoid social media for a reason. She’s one of my few real friends, and I don’t want my family to scare her off.

We pass a workspace. A man is sitting there wearing headphones and working studiously. The one with the swanky apartment. The same one who stars in every one of my heated dreams.

I pick up my pace and hurry away.

Every Friday, he’s in that exact spot, and I ignore him. Walk by as if he’s a perfect stranger. Like I don’t dream about him several times a week.

“You’re so old school. I love it,” Lauren declares with a tinkling laugh.

When I glance over my shoulder, he’s still in his usual spot. I wonder what he’s studying so hard.


I park my Harley in the shed and creep towards the front of the house. Since I opted to attend college in Boston, I live with my dad and brother. Not that they’re around much, but on the off chance dad is home, it’s better I go in the front. He can’t know about my motorbike. He’ll blow a gasket. Not to mention what his men will think.

“Aurora.” Liam shakes his head. His blonde hair is getting too long. Falling in his eyes. “What is it with you and that bike?”

“What is it with you andyourbike?”

He sighs, lighting a cigarette. He always smokes when I annoy him, which, as his older sister, I do several times a day.

“For fuck’s sake. If dad catches you on that thing, you’ll be in for it.”

“I’m an adult.”

“You’re agirl. It’s in the fucking club bylaws. Women can’t ride. He won’t be president anymore if the men find out you ride. Eres una chica,” Liam says, switching to Spanish. A few years back, he learned so that we could have another thing in common.

Liam is all Irish-American. I’m Cuban and Irish-American. It doomed me to have a temper that’s always at odds with common sense. At least that’s my excuse for moments like now when I see red.

“You’re my little brother and I’m the big sister.” I point a finger at us. “That means I’m your boss. Anything else? So glad we could clear up the confusion,” I add in a saccharine tone of voice.

He raises his hands in surrender. “It’s your funeral.”

Usually Liam lets me pass him, but today he gets in my way.

“Not so fast, Aurora. The old man says we have to get to the clubhouse.”

“I don’t think so.” I cross my arms. “I have to study.”

“Bring your books. I’m not asking as your brother. I’m telling you as the Dullahans’ VP.”

Liam is following in dad’s footsteps. Dad won’t have it any other way.



I raise a brow. “That’s not an answer. What’s going on?”

“Don’t worry about it. Dad and I are handling it.”

Whenever the club gets into big trouble, we all hunker down like we’re in protective custody. I hate getting dragged to the clubhouse for my protection, along with the other women and children.

Chapter 3
