Page 20 of Twisted Road

I glance longingly at my phone. I called Liam earlier today. Assuring him I’m fine and not to do anything stupid.

It’s strange, but I want to call him again. Hear how his day has been, which is stupid. His day has been shit just like mine. And the more I talk to him or my dad, the more likely they are to get brave, which will result in an ill-fated rescue attempt. I don’t need to understand the innermost workings of the Dullahans to know they’re badly outnumbered and outgunned.

A knock on the door sounds.

“Go away, Caine. I played my part. Now leave me alone.”

“Open the door, Aurora.” The doorknob rattles. I grin at the frustration in his voice. It’s a petty win, but it’s still a win. “I’m not screwing around.”

“Why? Is your mom coming over in twenty minutes and I better get ready?”

He knocks again. Harder this time.


“What do you want?”

“Do not make me break down the door.”

“It’s your house, I don’t care.”

“Now, Aurora.”

I roll my eyes. I know Caine is as crazy as the guys in my dad’s club, but I don’t think he’ll hurt me.

I sigh and pad toward the door. I unlock it and glare at him.

“What the fuck do you want? It’s late.”

“I know,” he growls. “Grab whatever you need. You’re moving into my room.”

I cross my arms and huff. “The hell I am!”

“I’m not asking.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if I try to kill you in your sleep?”

Caine rolls his eyes so hard it must hurt. Guess I’m not as physically intimidating as I’d like to be. “Now, lass.”

An edge has crept into his voice that I haven’t heard before. It sends a shiver of anticipation down my spine. I bet it’s the voice he uses while conducting business.

“No way. It was a one-time thing. I disappeared on your ass in the middle of the night. Take a hint!”

He rolls his eyes. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

Next thing I know, he has me slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I’m stunned.

He marches off and when he reaches his bedroom, the shock wears off. I hit his back and kick him. “Put me down, you knuckle dragging neanderthal!”

Caine dumps me on the bed.

“Relax, sweetheart. I’m not going to touch you. Unless you ask nicely.”

I toss a pillow at him. He ducks, laughing. Which only makes me angrier.

“Fuck you!”

“Are you offering?”