Page 14 of Twisted Road


I get a coded message. My phone rings, displaying an unknown number. It’s my Da on one of his many burner cells. I curse before picking up, knowing the hot water I’m in.


“I told you to seize the Dullahans’ territory by any means necessary, right?” Da growls. He’s never been known for his patience, and he hates deviations from the plan. “Why the fuck is Billy Locksley still breathing? Was it not clear when I said take their territory and kill their leader?”

I laugh. “No reason to go nuclear right off the bat. It’s not like we can’t get to him or anyone else if we need to.”

“I specifically told you to get the MC in line.”

“And I did that. Without giving them a reason to hate us or rat us out to the feds. Work smart, not hard.”

“If their leader is walking around, they aren’t sufficiently motivated to work for us.”

“Oh, their leader is plenty motivated. I took his daughter hostage, as you know, assurance for the MC’s continued good behavior.”

“You derailed our plan over a piece of ass?”

I bristle, but I can’t let him see I care about Aurora. If he senses weakness, he’ll exploit it.

“As long as I have her, they won’t get out of line.”

“And what about Jack?”

Guilt assaults me, threatening to choke me alive. Jack and I were as close as brothers. I need revenge the way I need oxygen.

I chuckle. “Oh, I’ll avenge him soon enough. I’ll have the triggerman by the end of the week. Billy’s going to turn him over.”

He growls. “Fine, but if this goes south, I’m holding you responsible.”

“Of course.”

“And one more thing,” he says. “The next few weeks will be critical for our family. Your brother and I are joining you and your new piece for dinner tonight.”

I hang up, then let out a string of curses. Aurora will not like this.


Outside of Aurora’s room, I raise my hand to knock. I drop my hand. Talking her into having dinner with my family won’t be easy. Hell, she might bolt. But there’s nothing I can do except get her onboard.

I knock.

“Fuck off, Caine!”

“Aurora, it’s important.”

She takes so long to open the door, I wonder what she’s up to in there.

“What do you want now, Caine?” she demands, as the door swings open.

“You need to get changed.” I glance down at her hoodie and sweats. A faint flush graces her cheeks. Is that sweat? Did I interrupt a workout? “My Da and brother are coming for dinner.”

She flinches, and I can’t blame her. “They’re coming here? Tonight? Why?”

“Da isn’t thrilled I didn’t stick to the plan.”

“You can forget it. I never agreed to dinner with your family.”