I met the savage of his eyes through the mirror, and when I assured him I was fine, I noticed my wine-colored smeared teeth.
His features clouded, and his head craned, disturbed by my appearance.
“Are you hurt?”
I shook my head. “Can we go now?”
Arlo laughed somewhere in the room, but Lucca didn’t find it funny, and I hadn’t meant it to be humorous.
Lucca’s jaw locked, his neck and face muscles jumping with impotence, and he took a step closer.
Ignoring him, I placed my blades into the sink, and I turned the faucet back on. The water turned a shade of pink as I rinsed my hands and face. I was eager to get the stench ofhisbody off me. And I used paper towels to wipe away the dried-up blood from my arms.
It didn’t matter how long I spent on each arm, I always found a new spot to clean.
With a dampened towel, I dabbed and cleaned my neck, shoulders, and chest. All I had managed to do was smudge it into angry streaks.
“Stop,” he uttered so close I felt the heat of his body behind me.
I did what he asked. And when his hands connected to my hips, twisting me to face him, I didn’t fight it. I didn't fighthim.
His fingers gently glided up my waist, and I closed my eyes when they held my face kindly. Slowly, his thumb ran over my lips, and I hissed.
“I’m sorry,” Lucca apologized.
My eyes fluttered open, and as I watched guilt in his eyes, I knew he meant for not getting to me faster.
ButI’dlocked him out. I purposely didn’t allow him inside the room to check it thoroughly. It was me who recklessly pushed him out.
I didn’t blame him.
I didn’t blame him for not coming in and saving me on a white horse.
This was my life.
Just as much as it was his.
And in a life together, there would always be a threat. A new foe who would try to take one of us from each other. Someone who would want his seat.
Lucca pulled me to him, and I accepted his embrace, breathing him in and curling into his chest a moment longer to ease the adrenaline shudders that coursed through me. I held him tight, needing his strength and body to swallow the visions that flooded my soul.
“Yes, she’s not harmed.”
Arlo must have asked for my well-being.
“Here, put this on. Viktor is bringing the car over to the side exit.”
I pulled away, and Lucca shrugged his suit jacket off and placed it over my shoulders. It was useless. My dress was ruined.
Shaking my head, I looked up at him.
“Don’t worry, any cameras will be disabled, and our path will be clear all the way to the car.”
My head bobbed up and down, then my gaze slid where the body lay.
“Arlo will take care of it.”
“Okay,” I said, and Lucca pulled me closer to him. “Wait!” I stopped, turned, and retrieved my blades from the sink.