Page 184 of A War Around Us

“What?No, he is fine.” Air filled my lungs, relieved and confused as ever. “He couldn’t get a hold of you, saying you hadn’t returned any calls or texts for fuckingweeks!”he accused.

Okay, then who couldn’t wait? Who was he speaking of, and what fire?

“Are you guarded?” he asked.

Were we?

“I’m with Lucca.”

He chuckled darkly. “That bastard. Good.”

It seemed Leo preferred my answer, and I could hear how he pulled away from the conversation after finding out what he needed. But I hadn’t, and I needed to keep him talking.

“Now tell me what’s happening?”

“Chaos. A divine one to watch but…” He stopped himself.

“Damn it, Leo. I will fucking cut you up if you don’t tell me!”

“Borelli’s son is dead,” he snapped. “Let me guess. You think you are on a cute little getaway. Hell, maybe even on a honeymoon.” Leo laughed cruelly. “Think again. Stop daydreaming and think like the damn Vitelli you are.” The line disconnected.

I had been a fool and taken as one.

How fucking dareheleave me in the dark after everything, after killing a man who’d threatened my life?

How dare he treat me as if my hands were pure?

How dare he make me feel belittled!

I threw the phone in a haste onto the floor and paced.

“Ahhh!!” my scream rattled out of my chest, echoing and bouncing off each wall in anger and pain. Pain for being ridiculed and allowing my guard down.

How naive of me to believe the thought ofhimwanting to be withme. For believing he had planned time forus.

It all made sense. His foul mood, the endless calls, his detachment. While Lucca was here, his mind was far away, moving and scheming. Deceivingmewhen all he had to do was speak to me about the threats as a partner. We would’ve been stronger together during this time. Fuck, I would’ve supported and cheered his wrath on.

I believed in a lie.

And Lucca and I would never be more than a good fuck.

Shocking currents of grief stroked my heart, and its lightning burned through my veins.

I couldn’t cry, Iwouldn’tcry.

I’d brought it upon myself.

I was blinded by so-called riches, and they were nothing more than fakes.

“Katia?” I heard his voice, distant and careful. “Are you hurt?”

My head flung to his standing frame, tall and unbothered by the open door. And all I could remember were the words I’d once said when he’d placed the ring that decorated my finger.

“Don’t act as if you care.”

With a small tilt of his head, his eyes narrowed. Guarded. It was an instinct, ready for lashes that would rip open his cruelty.

“Fine, I won’t.” His dark eyes slid down the shattered screen of my phone that lay on the wood floor, and he asked with a clenched jaw. “Enzo?”