Page 74 of A Bullet Between Us

He was reluctant to leave me, but neither of us knew exactly what was next. A hug? A pat on the shoulder? An awkward I love you? Neither one of us did such things. There were other ways to express our bond to one another, and between us, it was never needed.

“I know, me too,” I said with a nod.

With a small chuckle, he said, “Night, bratik.”

I watched as he walked away until he was no longer in sight before ushering Bo inside the room. As I closed the door behind me, I heard Davina through the bathroom door.

“Ilias?” she asked.

“Yeah, it’s me. Viktor brought a surprise.”

Bo stood by my legs, waiting patiently, but as soon as the bathroom’s door opened, it was clear who was his favorite as he ran toward her.

Davina’s excitement said it all, and her towel-covered body lowered to meet him.

As I watched them in happiness, all I could think was of Viktor.

He’d said, “If I did go back to the precinct.”


I guess I wasn’t the only one who thought what my best move would be.



My eyes opened to the complete darkness of our room. With a slight turn toward the nightstand, I was able to read the time.

Fifteen past twelve. Midnight.

Under the covers and in between both of the men in my life, I’d awakened due to their warmth. Hot and thirsty. My mouth felt like sandpaper, and even as I tried to go back asleep, I couldn’t.

Slowly, I shifted away from Ilias’s hold.

Boris’s head poked awake to watch me as his ears shifted in confusion.

Ilias brought me back to his chest in one swift move. His eyes stayed closed as he mumbled, “Where are you going?” Looks like I woke them both.

“I’m thirsty,” I whispered. He opened one eye with a sly smile making me chuckle against his chest. “For water.”

His chest bounced, and his eyes closed once again. “I’ll grab you a bottle.”

“Don’t bother, I’ll be quick.” I placed a small kiss on his jawline. “Plus, you mentioned earlier everyone is stationed outside at night.”

His only answer was his arm lifting off me so I could slip away.

“I’ll bring you one too.”

Boris watched me as I stood and looked for one of Ilias’s hoodies he had in a duffle bag. There may not have been any of Lucca’s men inside the house, but I couldn’t risk walking around in a home that wasn’t mine in a thin white tee.

Pulling the hoodie over my head, my skin tugged on the unnecessary Band-Aid Ilias had placed on my side. I ripped it off to let the small cut breathe. Shaking my head with a grin, I placed the used bandage in the trash and headed toward the door. Boris beat me to it, and with a pat on his head, I motioned for him to wait and slipped out the room.

The hall lighting was dimmed with corner lamps guiding my steps to the large staircase. I looked up the stairs once I’d made it to the main floor, wondering if I should head back to the safety of Ilias’s arms. The house was quiet, my heart raced, and I took a step forward.

I kept my head straight ahead, not caring for any of the detailed accents of the home I would’ve appreciated any other time.

Get the water and go to your room, replayed in my head.