Page 32 of A Bullet Between Us

“And what exactly do you propose?” Crossing my arms, I raised my brow.


“I think your dad has gone mad, Bo.”

Eleven o’clock had long passed, and I refused to check the time on the laptop that streamed Hercules. I had steered away from any real-life dramas and categorized Disney safe for the meantime.

Bo stretched, taking most of the bed’s space, placed his head on my side and closed his eyes.

“It’s about to be over, what do you want to watch next?” He whined. “Fine, we’ll try to sleep.”

Closing the laptop and placing it on the nightstand, I pulled the cover high over me. Bo moved and waited until I settled before placing his body next to mine. My hands rested over my chest, and I stared at the dark ceiling, waiting.

Sleep wouldn’t come.

The light winds sneaked inside the house, and the sounds the home made at night became louder in the eerie night. I tried to relax when Bo didn’t react to any of the sounds that were made.

As time passed, Bo grew impatient and craned closer to my upper half. His nose nudged my hands over my chest, and I pulled them out of the comforter to pet him.

I ran my fingers through his short coat, feeling his warmth and the fast rhythm of his heartbeat. And each time I stopped, he would nudge me again to continue.

Over, and over again.

Until sleep claimed me, and I woke up the next day with my hand wrapped around his neck and the weight of his head on my chest.

The feeling almost made me cry, and I never wanted to let go of Bo.

“You kept Nightmare from coming, sweet boy,” I whispered. Bo groaned, not ready to get up. I, too, didn’t want to leave the comfort of the bed or him just yet. Instead, I turned sideways and cuddled him.



When Davina greeted me at the door, she seemed well rested and with sleep still in her eyes. Her hair was tussled, and her face flushed. I couldn’t help but admire the peace in her eyes, or the restraint it took not to get closer to her. To reach her cheek and feel its warmth, the softness of her fair skin.

“How attached are you to Bo?” she asked, interrupting my thoughts, and my mind automatically closed up. My muscles became rigid as I stared at her carefully from across the sofa while Boris looked for something to get himself into.

“Are you asking because you care, or because…” I trailed.

“I’m just curious.”

I couldn’t help but to laugh, really laugh, as I followed Bo with my eyes. That sneaky bastard.

“Wow, Davina. All it took was one night to fall for Boris so quickly?” Bo rushed my way when he heard his name.

Blood rushed across her neck and up her cheeks, and her chocolate eyes asked for mercy while they stayed solely on me. It didn’t help my laughter, only made it worse. I hadn’t laughed so hard in so long, that I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this light-hearted.

“Could you please stop it!” she squeaked, grabbing the closest thing by her and throwing it my way. Thankfully it was just a balled-up napkin she had used during lunch, and I didn’t bother swatting it out of my way. It fell to the ground, and she stood embarrassed, leaving me alone in the living room with only my laughter.

After I’d calmed, I searched for her. It didn’t take long to spot her sitting on the dead grass of the small backyard, where she threw a ball for Bo to catch.

“Are you done now?” she sassed.

“Not even close.” I sat close to her and watched as Bo tried to destroy the ball she’d thrown. “To answer your question, I am very attached to Bo.”

“I figured.” She let out a loud sigh, keeping her attention ahead. “You should laugh more often.”

I ignored her comment. “But, if you’ve grown attached to Bo, I’m not against visitations,” I joked. Davina tilted her head with a smile on the corner of her lips, eyes my way. “How about, when all this is over, we try finding you, your own Bo. I’ll train him or her.”