Page 65 of Bratva's Captive

I just stand there, frustrated, sad and angry. I can’t marry Mario.

“No! Papa. I have already helped you and the Outfit by being kidnapped! I deserve to -” I raise my voice.

“Adalina!” My father cuts me off. “You can and you will! Just because you were kidnapped by the fucking Russians doesn’t mean you get out of your duty to marry Mario.”

My father furiously grabs by arm and squeezes hard.

“Ow!” I rub my arm. “I can’t marry Mario because I am no longer a virgin. I gave myself to Nikolai Fedorov.” I announce proudly.

My father slaps me across the face, with so much power and rage that I fall to the floor. Then he leans over me and starts hitting me everywhere. I curl into a fetal position.

“You little whore! You slut! You are going to marry Mario. You better act like a virgin on your wedding night or Mario will punish you far worse than I am. How dare you betray me, Mario, and the Oufit!”

He keeps screaming at me. Soon his hits turn into punches and kicks aimed at my arms and legs. He is careful not to break any bones. I put my hands up to shield myself, but his blows are too strong and too fast.

In terrible pain, my father drags me forcefully across the floor and into one of the empty bedrooms of the suite. As I am pulled into the room, my gaze immediately falls upon my wedding gown, hanging on the door of the closet.

“You can’t make me marry him! I will just refuse to marry him.” I scream.

“Then he will marry Delphina, and I will toss you out on the street like a common whore where you belong.”

“Delphina is only 17!”

“My lawyers will find a way. And even if they can’t, I will give her to Mario anyway. At least she is still a virgin!”

“No, Papa please!”

“For some reason Mario still wants you. So, you will marry him. For the next two days you will stay in this room. No phones. No computers. No visitors. Then I will drag you in that wedding gown to the church and you will get married!” My father slams the door. I crawl on the bed and sob.

Chapter 29


The first thing I do when I get back to the compound is find Tatyana. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I had waited to confront her until Adalina was gone.

Tatyana is sitting in the kitchen at the island bar sipping a cup of coffee. She is dressed down today in jeans and a shirt. She looks disheveled like she hasn’t gotten any sleep. Now that Adalina is no longer here, I can let my dark side out. I grab Tatyana’s throat with one hand and apply pressure. She needs to know that I am no longer playing games with her.

“I just have one fucking question.” I get right in her face as I squeeze her throat.

“Nikolai, what are you doing? Let go of me!”

“Have you been working with Maxim? Did you help him kidnap Tatyana?” I am furious.

“No. Nikolai, of course not!”

“I am going to torture Maxim for answers, if he so much as hints that you two are working together, you are fucking dead!”

"Nikolai, I swear on my loyalty to you and the Bratva that I would never betray you."

"I find it hard to believe. You've always meddled in my affairs. You advised me to return Adalina to the Outfit. You encouraged me to assist Maxim in human trafficking."

"Nikolai, I am in love with you. I have been for a long time. I would never betray you, even with Adalina in the picture."

"Your feelings for me could be a motive to help Maxim with his plans involving Adalina."

"No, Nikolai. I was jealous of your relationship with her, but I would never hurt her.”

"You better not be lying to me!"