Page 32 of Her Professor

“I’m saying that the reason I came out here to spend Christmas with you and your wife is because I want to marry Maddy, and I know she wouldn’t say yes without your blessing. I get that I’m older than she is, but she has an old soul that matches mine. To be honest I fell for her when she was in my class, but I didn’t realize it until later, when she wrote her synopsis aboutGray and SilentI discovered a girl who was quietly brilliant, and I needed to get to know her better. When I did…I can’t let her go. The only way I’ll ever leave her is if she asks me to and even then I’ll probably try to convince her otherwise.”

“That was not what I was expecting Devon,” Alexander admitted. “But you’re right, Madison’s always been older than her age and I’m positive that her mother will agree when I say I can’t imagine her finding anyone who’s more caring about her than you. I will happily give my permission, but you’d better take extra good care of my girl. She’s the only one I’ve got.”

“I swear Mr. Michaels. I will love her in this life and the next.”

“When are you planning on proposing?” he asked stopping him as they hit the end of the hallway.

“I hadn’t planned it out fully, but I was thinking later this spring. I know someone that owns an old drive-in movie theater. They have a copy ofGrey and Silentand…”

“You want to take her to watch it while you propose?” he said with a nod. “Clever but won’t that cost you a small fortune?”

“If you’re asking if I can support Maddy and myself, the answer is yes. I earn a generous salary at the college, but I also have some money from my family. My grandparents started a winery, and my parents currently manage it. The Nash Village Winery and Wine Collection.”

“Don’t tell my wife that or she’ll be demanding a year’s supply,” Alexander laughed as they reached her room. “Hi honey, you okay?”

“Fine Dad. Dev…” she gasped spying the cast.

“It’s just a small break, totally worth it,” he said reaching her side. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

“I’m sure Dev just tired and my head hurts like crazy.”

“We should let you rest like the doctor said,” her mom said getting up. She hugged Devon then sent him a smile before she kissed her cheek and ushered her husband out. “We’ll see you in the morning. Devon, we’ll see you then too.”

He nodded and then slid onto the bed with her. He pulled her back against him and wrapped his arm around her. She took his casted hand into hers and sighed letting go of the fear and worry as she hoped this didn’t change everything.

Chapter 8

Madison was desperately trying to hold onto her annoyance. Devon had gone from being an intense, animalistic lover to wrapping her in bubble wrap and she was sick of it. In that last three months he’d started sending her flowers, picking her up at the admissions building, and had stopped screwing her anywhere anytime, instead he hardly touched her and when he did it was always easy. She’d joined him in the shower soon after his cast had come off and sank down onto her knees taking him in her mouth, but he hadn’t responded the way he usually did, and she knew she couldn’t go on like this.

She loved him but she wanted him to be him, not some shell of the man she’d fallen for, and certainly not someone who wouldn’t take her the way she wanted him to—needed him to. She’d went looking for him yesterday to try to entice a reaction from him, but it was as though he were avoiding her. She’d sat in his office during his normal office time for two hours, but he hadn’t shown. Even last night, despite them having dinner like normal, he’d told her he had papers to grade and disappeared into his office, locking the door before she could begin to get there to try and get him to fuck her. By the time he’d come to bed, she was asleep from annoyed frustration.

She looked up as Samantha came into her office holding out a single pink rose, her favorite, and she raised her eyebrow in silent question.

“Someone dropped this off for you,” Samantha stated, handing it over.

“Devon was here just now?” she asked getting up. She desperately needed to talk to the man.

“He was but he said for you to read the note with the flower and do what it says,” she replied blocking the door.

Madison wanted to argue but she opened the card and glanced at Devon’s writing. A small smile slipped onto her lips at the instructions, and she glanced back up at Samantha wondering if she knew what it said.

“I don’t have a clue. Devon simply said to give it to you and make sure you read it. It’s not your anniversary, is it?”

“No and he remembered Valentine’s Day,” she said pondering the reason for it. “But it seems I have a scavenger hunt to go on, and I am not patient enough to wait until later.”

“I think Devon knows that too because he said he needed you to have the rest of the day off as well…go on,” Samantha told her with a grin. “See what the boy is up to.”

She grabbed her bag and took off heading straight to the library as the note had said. She didn’t need any further directions to know where her next clue would be and went straight to the corner where they’d enjoyed plenty of rainy day delights. She saw the flower and picked it up reading the note with it. She glanced around as she did what he said and took a picture of her pussy with her phone and happily sent it to him via their private cloud drive.

Whatever was going on it seemed Devon was back she realized when the next stop had her putting on the nipple clamps, pink like the roses, and sending him a picture of them on her tits before telling her to take them off but keep them close. The next few stops, all spots she realized they’d screwed at, had her getting a whole new outfit and sending him previews of it. She glanced down at the bouquet of roses she now held, and a laugh ran through her as she saw just how much they’d fucked on campus over the years.

Then she was sent to his classroom where she was supposed to model the new shoes, thigh high heels and no underwear while she sat on his desk, and she gladly tried them on. They fit perfectly she decided before she saw the tag attached to them directing her to his office and her cunt began to rejoice. She needed him to take her like he used to…the way that proved he loved her beyond reason. She pushed open his office door and sighed when she found only a rose in his place, but then she saw the box it was on top of. She pulled out the long trench coat and the note told her to change into everything she’d gotten but leave the clamps for him.

She wasn’t going to argue, and she quickly dressed loving the way the items felt against her skin and the fact that he’d soon be fucking her. There was no way after all of this that he wouldn’t take her and screw her until she couldn’t walk. She felt another note in the pocket of the trench as she belted it and took it out.

There will be a driver waiting outside the building with a rose, take it and get inside. Don’t speak to anyone, don’t call or text anyone, I’ll see you soon my beautiful ass whore. Love always, Devon.

She grabbed the rest of the roses and hurried out ignoring the looks and attempts to talk from students and faculty as she went. If Devon wanted her to stay quiet, she wouldn’t utter a peep…not if it meant him finally getting over the whole incident at Christmas. She saw the driver waiting beside a huge limo and walked over as he held out the flower to her.