“Dev don’t, please,” she said trying to get him to back down. “Let’s just forget him. I certainly have.”
“Yeah, whores like you can’t remember one cock from the next,” Tony said.
“Last chance to leave with your teeth still intact,” Devon warned.
“Must be a hell of a lay in bed. Does she suck your cock as well as she did mine? I knew she was a whore, should have proved just how much years ago,” Tony laughed.
“Go away Tony,” she sighed putting her hand on Devon’s arm.
“Now,” Joe added as he and Eli walked him to the door.
“You okay?” Devon asked her and she nodded as he wrapped his arms around her.
“I’m fine Dev. He’s been like this since I broke up with him.”
“I should have broken his jaw the first time I saw him,” he stated, keeping his arm around her until they were about to go.
She needed to use the bathroom and hurried out the door and around the corner into the small single bathroom. It was cold and she wasn’t about to linger. She pushed open the door and let out a terrified scream when she came face to chest with Tony.
“Now we’ll see how much of a whore you really are,” he said shoving her backwards into the room. She let him, giving him time to clear the door before she pushed her knee to his groin and darted out around him. She raced back to the door for the restaurant, and pulled on it just before Tony grabbed the back of her hair and jerked her backwards before slamming her head into the windows.
She felt herself losing consciousness but fought it and him until she was free and wrapped in a loose hold by Becky.
“Dev,” she whispered trying to find him through the haze.
She finally saw him landing punches on Tony while Joe tried to pull him off and she knew she had to stop him. There was only one way to get him to quit everything and she used the last bit of her strength to get to him. “Dev…”
She put her hand on his arm and leaned down while the world swirled around her and whispered into his ear, “Apricots…”
He stopped turning to her and caught her as she blacked out.
“If you ever come near her again I’ll kill you,” he warned Tony just before the cops showed up.
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” the officer said seeing the mess of Tony’s face. “Someone like to explain what just happened?”
“What happened was Tony losing it and smashing Mads’ head into the window,” Joe answered as another set pulled up.
“Eli, tell me you’re not involved in this,” his father said getting out of his police cruiser.
“I didn’t touch the guy, though if I were in Devon’s place, I’d have done the same thing.”
“Can we please get Mads to a doctor?” Becky asked as Devon held her closer to him. “She’s bleeding and blacked out. She was barely coherent when we got to her.”
“Right this way,” Eli’s father, Harvey, said watching the man carry her gently but protectively in case anyone tried to take her from him. “We’ll make it to the hospital faster than an ambulance can.”
Devon slid a hand into his pocket and pulled out the keys for the rental as he held her with one arm showing the group just how strong he truly was and how much more damage he could have done to Tony’s face.
“Bring the car for me?” he asked tossing the keys to Joe.
“Sure, Becky and I will be right behind you. Uh…do you want us to call her parents?”
“Probably be better coming from you all than me,” he agreed as he slid into the car holding her tightly. He reluctantly let her go once they got into the ER and waved off an offer to look at his hand. He didn’t care about it; he wanted to know Maddy was okay.
He was pacing the floor while Maddy’s parents and friends watched him, but he couldn’t see them, all he could see was her frightened face and then the pain that’d Tony caused her. His hands tightened into fists, and he wanted to pound the creep’s face in again. He might have if Maddy hadn’t whispered apricots to him. Even when she was out of it she was trying to protect him and keep him from going too far, but it would have been worth going to jail as long as he knew Tony couldn’t hurt her again.
“Madison Michaels?” the doctor asked from the doorway, and he turned as her parents stood up.
“How’s Maddy?” he demanded as they reached his side.