Page 27 of Her Professor

Madison hurried across the campus heading to Devon’s classroom saying hi to the people she knew as she went. It was the last day of classes before Christmas break, and she was more than ready for it to be here so she and Devon could spend a little more time together. His finals were all graded other than the class that was about to be dismissed and she needed him to finish packing for their trip to see her parents.

It was something that’d been coming for years but now that it was here, she needed it to go perfectly because she was without a doubt completely in love with him still, more than ever really. It’d been three years since they got together and though they allowed other people to join them on occasion they were the only ones who’d ever been fully together. It was hotter than ever, and she couldn’t imagine it ever changing.

She had managed to graduate in three years thanks to staying and going to school during the summers. She’d kept them quiet from her parents knowing they’d flip if they discovered she was dating a man eleven years older than her while going to school, especially when he was one of the professors there.

They hadn’t kept them quiet around campus though, not after the dean had discovered them out to dinner together for their one-year anniversary. They’d been worried but the dean had taken one look at them and stated that dating a student might not be acceptable but if he were dating a co-worker, no one would blink an eye. He’d given her a job in his office, and they’d stopped hiding.

After she graduated, she’d transferred over to the admission’s office and despite the barge of calls they’d gotten the past few weeks because of their early admittance and acceptance deadlines plus the letters that had gone out, she loved it and her parents hated that. They wanted her to move back to Pennsylvania to be closer to them, but she couldn’t imagine her life without Devon and didn’t want to have their private world invaded.

She hit the door to his classroom just in time to hear the question one of the girls asked. “Is it true you like to get to know your students really well? Like intimately well?”

“What she’s asking is if you like to fuck your students,” one of the guys tossed out.

“Yeah, cause she wants to be one of them,” another added, and she pushed the door open then strutted down the stairs towards Devon whose gaze went from annoyed to aroused as he met her gaze.

“Nope he doesn’t screw his students,” she told them as she reached Devon’s side. “He has me.”

“Damn, dude you’ve got game,” the first guy stated, looking her over. “That is one hot piece of ass.”

“She’s more than a hot piece of ass,” Devon stated, glaring at him. “You’d be wise to remember that since I haven’t turned in your final grades yet.”

“Dev, calm down,” she said with a grin for him. “I think you can let them scram. We’ve got some packing left to do.”

“True…go on,” he told the class before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tightly against him. Not caring that they were watching but enjoying it enormously, he kissed her until they were both breathing heavily and then slid his hand underneath her skirt until he felt her slick slit.

“Dev…fuck me now,” she pleaded feeling the need deep within her. “Fuck me on your desk where anyone walking by can see.”

“My ass whore’s gotten nasty over the years,” he teased making her hotter with the name.

“Always have been but we’re going to have two weeks at my parent’s place and unless we can find ways to sneak off during the day and find somewhere secluded to do this, we’re looking at a horrible dry spell.”

“You do have a point, and this is the place where I saw you and knew I had to find a way to fuck you baby,” he chuckled as he lifted her and carried her over to his desk.

Her hands automatically went to his buckle, and he pushed aside her thong as he filled her, setting a pace that drove them both wild. They continued later at home and even managed a nice jaunt in the bathroom on the plane, the nice spacious first class bathroom that accompanied the seats Devon had sprung for.

“Mmm your mouth tastes like me and you,” he stated, giving her a deep kiss as they waited for their bags.

“That’s because you spewed yourself in it,” she replied leaning into him.

“I figured you wouldn’t want me to meet your parents while your ass or cunt were full of my spunk, and I do love that tongue of yours.”

“You love me,” she countered with a grin as she spied their bags. “Then again, I love you too, so I guess we’re even. Thank you for agreeing to this. I know your mom and dad were okay with us and I’m really glad, but my parents aren’t them…”

“I know baby, don’t worry I’ll act like a proper gentleman every single step of the way. They’ll never know how much I love fucking their precious little girl’s brains out,” he whispered to her sending chills down her spine. “Now can we get to the car rental place before I freeze my balls off? Damn this shit place is cold.”

“Welcome to December in Pennsylvania, where your tits freeze and your knees should be squeezed,” she teased as he looped his arm around her. “Put a smile on that face Dev because we’re about to start round one of sweet, Christian talking,” she told him as they turned at hearing her name called out. “Becky…Pastor John, it’s so good to see you all.”

“Madison!” Becky squealed hugging her tightly before staring Devon up and down. “Geez Mads, who’s the major hunk?”

“This is Devon Nash, my…”

“Boyfriend, though what I feel for Maddy goes much deeper than that,” Devon added holding out his hand towards Becky and then the older man who looked him over, sizing him up.

“And what do you do Devon?” John asked a bit unsure of him.

“I teach literature and English at Cortland and I’m working on my PhD in order to become a tenured professor there.”

“The school where Madison went?” John inquired frowning.