Page 23 of Her Professor

Devon kissed her cheek and followed him out. He stopped his brother with another glare when he opened his mouth to speak.

“Back off Craig, I mean it.”

“Man, you’re toast, just have to ask though, what happened to the guy who said he’d never be satisfied with vanilla sex? Cause there’s no way that girl’s into what you are.”

“You’d be surprised what Maddy likes not that it’s any of your business.”

“Oh, come on, that girl is clearly more my type than yours, you can’t be satisfied with her so why not admit it?”

“Had Maddy taken you up on your offer you’d have been burnt Craig because you’ve never been a fan of curry. Now go away so I can show her how happy I am that she’s home.”

“Home? Is she even legal, really?”

“Yes Craig, she’s legal and all mine. Tell Mom about her if you want because she’s not going anywhere, she’s mine.”

“I didn’t think you were into the whole dominant owning thing.”

“That was before Maddy, the moment I found her she became mine and it’s the same way with me.”

“Are you saying that my big brother has fallen in love with a girl who’s barely old enough to make a porno? Where’d you find her…your classroom?” Craig asked joking. The look that crossed Devon’s face sent him into a fit of laughter until he finally managed to choke out, “You’re screwing your student? Oh, that’s rich.”

“Screw you Craig, Maddy might have been my student when we met but she’s a hell of a lot more mature than you are.”

“Can’t you get canned for sleeping with a student, especially your student?”

“Who cares? I love Maddy a lot more than teaching. I can find another career if it comes down to it. I’d never find another Maddy, there’s only one her.”

“What happens when she gets tired of you and wants to start sleeping around with other dudes? If she’s as much of an animal in bed as you claim is she really going to be happy with just your cock for the rest of time?”

“It’s the only one she’s ever had so why wouldn’t she be?” Devon inquired with a smirk.

“She was a virgin? No shitting way…”

“Technically yes, her ex was pissed that she’d suck him but nothing else and then in a single day she gives it up for me.”

“You fucked her the first day of class?”

“No, I didn’t want to be that guy. The one who screwed their students and at first I figured she already had enough dudes spreading her legs, but I quickly discovered I was wrong. Now she’s mine and I don’t plan on letting her go, ever. Go find one of your old sluts out here Craig because until you can look at Madison without wanting to fuck her you’re not welcome.”

“That’ll never happen, Devon. She’s sex on legs, a sweetened version that’s just up my alley.”

“You wouldn’t be able to turn her on. She likes spice while you like quantity. Go…now,” Devon told him then headed back inside to kiss her. His brother was nothing short of appealing when he turned on the charm. He’d seen him do it plenty of times, but Maddy had turned him down and he wanted to reward her for that.

He found her curled up on the couch watching what he now deemed their movie, the one she’d slept through and then proceeded to blow his mind in assessment of. He slid up beside her and kissed his way along her neck, up her chin, settling on her lips until she let out a moan.

“What was that about?” she asked once she’d caught her breath.

“For being my girl,” he stated, untying her robe.

“Don’t you mean your ass whore?” she countered as her heart skipped a beat at the way he looked at her.

“You’re always that Maddy baby, but I know how enticing my brother can be…”

“He’s not you.”

“Fuck Maddy,” he groaned hearing her say that.

“Please do,” she told him with a grin.