Page 69 of Take Me With You


“I just can. So, why was he so angry at the cabin?”

“He never knew about the baby or the abortion. He felt betrayed because neither of us ever told him about us, and he knew all along, and neither did we mention the baby. He didn’t learn about that until I told him, and he thinks that’s why I can’t have a baby. We tried in our earlier years, and I couldn’t get pregnant, Cade.”

I breathe, and then I hear some noise in her background.

“That’s him now. He’s just getting back home. He went to a bar with some coworkers to ring in the new year.”

“And left you alone?”

“I wanted to be. Needed it,” she says softly.

“I’m sorry, Laur,” I say again for lack of a response.

“We’ll be okay,” she sniffs. “Gotta go.”

“Yeah, me too,” I say, looking out at the waters.

“Love ya, Cade.”

“Love you, too, Laur.”

As I end the call, I realize that for the first time, I don’t mean that as I did in the past. For the first time ever, my “I love you” was purely platonic, not the remnants of a long-forgotten unrequited love.

I’m okay with that. Pushing up off the chair, I pocket my phone and undo my tie and the first few buttons of my shirt as I head to the middle deck where our suite is located.

“I thought you’d gotten lost,” she says cheekily when I enter our suite.

“Never that. Just giving you time to get ready to be punished,” I say, removing my belt from my pants.

She’s lying on the bed with a large, fluffy dark blue robe wrapped around her body and a smaller towel around her head.

I toe off my shoes and walk to her, plucking the towel from her head. A mass of curls falls, framing her face and stopping around her ears in some places and her jaw in others.

My hand cups the back of her head, and I kneel on the bed with one knee and press my lips to hers. I brush my lips against hers several times before I sweep my tongue inside her mouth. She opens with a tiny moan, allowing me the entrance I seek.

My hand tugs at the belt of her robe, pulling her arms free, and I watch her breasts jiggle. Yesenia isn’t a big woman at all. She’s rather petite but has large breasts and a nice-sized handful of ass.

I return to kissing her, pulling her hands over her head and holding them above her as we deepen our kiss.

After a while, I wrap my necktie around her hands and tie her to the bedpost as she smirks at me. I finish unbuttoning my shirt and remove it before I walk to the bar in our suite and grab a glass of Malbec that she’s already poured for me.

“What’re you doing?” she asks sultrily, nodding at her hands as I swallow a large gulp of the red wine.

“You said that there were two sides to my personality, Nia. The light one, Cade and the dark one, Mr. Maxwell.”

She nods, and I see her tiny gulp as her neck moves.

“Meet Mr. Maxwell,” I say.

“Mm, will I like Mr. Maxwell?”

“He can be an evil scary bastard. Mr. Maxwell has demons that he doesn’t always know how to control. He can only work hard to control them rather than them controlling him. I promise to do my best not to hurt you, though.”

“Hurt me?” she asks, fear coming through her eyes.

“Yes. There’s always a little bit of pain at the brink of pleasure. Just tap into it to get your maximum pleasure. I promise you I won’t do anything you won’t like,” I say, backing off the bed and moving to the wall.