Page 52 of Take Me With You

“Yesenia Carver?”

“I’m her.”

“Hello, my name is Sabrina Anderson, and I’m withSavant Couture,” she says in a fake French accent, referencing the name of a high-end boutique.

“Okay?” I reply, still uncertain as to why she’s at my door.

“I was hired to style you for your evening tonight.”

“My evening?”

“Mr. Maxwell sent me. My team and I will prepare you for your date with Mr. Maxwell this evening, and we don’t have long to do it. Oh, my, look at your hair! He told me that you were gorgeous, but he didn’t tell me that you needed so much help,” she groans.

The man walks forward, looks me over, and says, “She’s got an amazing body and a gorgeous face, but that skin. My dear, we have to get working if we want to have you ready for tonight.”

Sabrina nods her agreement. “It will be some work, but we can make her beautiful.”

“Wait! What’re you talking about? I don’t have an evening planned with Mr. Maxwell or anyone else.”

Nodding, Sabrina says, “He said that you might say that. Mr. Maxwell told me to tell you, and I quote, ‘all guns blazing.’”

I roll my eyes and say, “Give me a minute to call him.”

“He also figured you would say that and advised me to tell you he would be in meetings until this evening.”

Frowning, I replied, “Who works on New Year’s Eve?”

The team of four wiggles their eyebrows, and Sabrina scowls at me. Great. Just great. I’ve offended the team sent to make me “beautiful.”

“Just hold on,” I say, running back inside and slamming the door behind me. Grabbing my phone, I dial the number I memorized after only one phone call. I’m heated at him for making plans for me without consulting me.

For all he knew, I could have been out with my friends, or family, or even a fucking date!


That’s all he says by way of greeting.

“What is it that you think you’re doing sending a team of strangers to my house and making plans for me tonight?” I bark.

“All guns blazing,” he says.

“Kincaid Maxwell!”




“Do you hear me talking to you?”

Still nothing.

I pull the phone away, and I cannot believe he’s ended the call.

I just know that he didn’t end the call.

He didn’t end the call, did he?