Page 5 of Take Me With You

“Trying to get on the same page. Drew’s ready to start a family, and I’m not.”

Turning my lips down, I reply, “That’s surprising.”

“Why?” she asks, her head jerking up and her messy ponytail slipping from its knot.

“Women over the age of thirty are always worried about their biological clock ticking, and men are usually running fast away from the idea of being a father and the responsibility of a family. I cannot see Drew doing that because he’s always talked about the type of father he wanted to be.”

“That’s because his asshole of a father was a jerk, and he’s out to prove that he doesn’t have to be like him.”

“The sorrows of the rich and famous,” I retort dryly. Andrew’s father was a famous film producer, and his mother was an actress.

Our entire group comes from money, but his family is the only one among our group that are Hollywood celebrities.

“So, what’s your hang-up about becoming a mother?” I ask when she remains silent.

“I don’t have hang-ups, but I realize I have more time at thirty-four. I’m in no rush and science is different these days. The concern about a high-risk pregnancy as I get older or having a child with a disability isn’t an issue for me. I know everything will be okay. Still just need time to get my firm a little stronger before I settle into a family. Being a mother will consume me, Cade. I already know this because that’s who I am.

“I don’t want to half-ass the job, nor do I want to be a stay-at-home mom like Mom was. However, I do want to give my kids the best of me. So, I need to make sure that my firm is stable enough to sustain any long-term absences that I need to take and that my executive team is in place to make the calls that I may not be able to make at that time,” Lauren explains.

She started an architectural firm five years ago, and it’s still growing. Andrew has an engineering firm that he co-founded with one of his frat brothers, and business has been booming for them from day one. Their firm is much stronger than Lauren’s at this point, not that hers isn’t doing good; it’s just not on the same plateau as her husband’s.

“How does Drew feel about all that?”

“Thinks that I’m worrying too much and that everything will be fine.”

“Maybe he’s right,” I suggest calmly, pushing my plate away.

Her eyes catch mine, and I know what she’s thinking. I see the fear in them.

“You’re going to be fine,” I whisper in a strong voice as my hand softly caresses her back.

“How do you know?”

I sigh deeply and close my eyes. “Faith,” I say because that’s all I have.

She closes her own eyes.

“I think it’s time you told him the truth,” I say softly.

She inhales deeply and I see the tears that coat her dark lashes.

“Hey, guys! There you are. We’ve been looking all over for you,” Tyler announces loudly, entering the dining room.

Lauren quickly wipes her lashes and flashes a fake smile before facing our friends and her husband.