Page 128 of Take Me With You

I grow harder at Claire’s expert handling of me. She knows my body well and how far she can take me with pain before it’s too much.

She would have been the perfect mate.

If only...

My eyes fly open, and I force those images out of my head as I look down at Claire.

I can’t help but remember how beautiful my precious Nia was. My beautiful, intelligent Nia.

“Cade,” Claire says as my dick plops out of her mouth. “Get out of your fucking head.”


I look as she juts her chin at my dick which is not quite as hard as before.

“You’re all in your head about something. I need you to get out of it. Whatever had you running fucking four thousand plus miles over here, leave it over there. I need you right now,” she orders.

This dominating side of Claire always excites me. It matches the dominant in me, and while it can cause us to clash, sometimes it’s just what I need.

Her hands run over my ass, and she jerks me back to her again, and I pull on the belt just a little. She gags, tears up, and then smiles at me.

Taking my dick back into her mouth, she sucks me until I’m hard as nails again.

Just before I cum, she releases me, and I hold my breath.

“My turn,” she says.

I nod, giving her permission to get off her knees. We have an equal exchange of power that works for us.

After I remove the belt from around her neck, I watch as she climbs onto her bed and lays down on her belly, arms extended above her head.

When I remain still for too long, Claire says, “Now!”

I give her a hard swat to her ass with my belt. She doesn’t flinch or shudder but lies perfectly still.

I spank her ass with the belt again, this time harder. She still doesn’t flinch, but her ass is red.

My hits grow harder and harder until she has red marks across the fleshy part of her ass. I don’t let up just yet, though, because I still feel like there’s more I need to empty out, and she has more capacity to receive.

Claire has yet to utter her safe word. Her fists are now tightly curled into the satin sheets, letting me know she’s still in control enough to withstand the pain.

I keep spanking her until my arm grows tired, sweat pours down my face, and my shirt is soaked.

I drop my arm and the belt before ripping the collarless shirt over and off my head. Dipping my head down between her thighs, I can see the beads of cum at the tip of her large lips.

It only takes me a moment to grab the condom in my back trousers pocket and roll it on. At that time, Claire has flipped onto her side and is watching me carefully.

She knows me better than most, and I don’t like that watchful look. She knows I’m off-keel tonight, but I don’t want to discuss it.

The only way that I can deal with my blues is by fucking them away.

Positioning myself in front of her, I grab one leg and drape it around my hip before I slide into her.

“Ahh, Cade. That’s better. Sooo much better,” she purrs.

Her hips rock forward to meet mine, and we pull apart and do it again until neither can take no more. She’s on me, and I’m over her, and we’re giving and taking with all the roughness and selfishness that we have come to expect from the other.

We’re using one another’s bodies, and we both know it. There will be no apologies afterward, and that’s okay, too, because we don’t mean one another harm.