Page 111 of Take Me With You


“How long do we haveto stay?” my best friend, Chloe, asks as we move around the ballroom.

“Come on, Chloe. I must stay at this event until the last guest leaves.”

She pouts. “Didn’t used to have to.”

“Yeah, that was before I became the foundation's director. People have different expectations of me now.”

“No,hehas different expectations of you.”

“Not just Nicky, but my mom does too. I wanted this position, and I have earned this position. The board of directors voted me in, Chloe. Screwing that up isn’t something that I want to do.”

“And we both know that Nicky’s looking for any reason to convince your mom that you don’t belong in that position so that he can keep you at home full-time and keep his eye on you.”

Chloe has never cared for my husband. She always thought he was insecure, especially marrying a younger woman.

When I called her and told her that he was still alive and had returned home, I kind of hoped that she would be excited. She was the one person by my side when I went through the various stages of grief, and she did not judge me. Not even after I spent time in a mental health facility.

“I know, but I don’t think even he could convince her to go that far. It was what my grandparents wanted, to see me head it up when she retired.”

“Look at him. Walking around the place as if he owns it. I swear you lost your damn mind giving up ferocious dick for simple cock.”

Laughing, a dribble of wine falls from my slightly parted lips. I’d told her all about Kincaid, but she was the only one that I ever opened up to about him. Even when Nicky pressured me into telling him more about Kincaid, I refused.

I was like a selfish little child hoarding my precious memories of him and not wanting anyone else to touch or look at them.

“That’s not becoming of you,” my mother says, walking up to Chloe and me with my stepfather Graham Hamilton and Nicky.

“Sorry, Mom. It was an accident.”

She reaches out with a napkin and dabs at my mouth as if I were a child. I turn away only to meet my stepfather’s judgmental, hardened gaze.

“Yesenia, eyes are watching your every move tonight. Please don’t embarrass your mother and me. You also have a husband here that you seem to forget about.”

I hate him with every breath within. I’ve tried with him to have a decent relationship for her sake. I really have, but it’s not working, and I’m over it. I don’t care if he’s embarrassed, but I love my mother and wouldn’t want to do anything to humiliate her.

“I have not forgotten about my husband,” I seethe.

Rolling my eyes, I turn away from Graham’s gaze and stare at Nicky and then at my mother.

“So, Mom. What do you think?” I ask, sweeping an arm to my left.

“I think you’ve done a wonderful job. The décor is stunning, and I just came from the kitchen; excellent choice in caterers,” she says.

I used the caterer she suggested, so I’m sure she would be happy. The event coordinator was Chloe, and it took a lot of convincing my mom that Chloe was up to the challenge. Her website, portfolio, and recommendations weren’t enough.