Page 109 of Take Me With You

“Always do. Always will,” I sniff, pulling up to the valet attendant.

He smirks at that.

I hand my keys to the valet, and we head into the center. We receive many admiring glances and smiles of appreciation. It’s always been that way for us.

We immediately spot our sister, Poppy, talking with a group of friends she leaves to come over to us.

“Hey, gorgeous!” Poppy greets the two of us, throwing an arm around either of us.

Shepherd and I lean down and kiss each side of her face as she grins and basks in the attention. As the only girl, she’s always been the source of lots of drama, tears, and her brothers’ extreme protectiveness.

“Where’s Bryan?” I ask as Shep, and I take a glass of wine from a passing waiter.

“Who knows?” she mumbles, grabbing a glass of champagne and immediately tossing some of it back.

“Do we need to pay him a visit?” Shep asks, glancing over Poppy’s head at me.

“No! Nothing like that...he’s just...I don’t know. We argued tonight. He wasn’t interested in being here schmoozing,” Poppy says bitterly.

“Join the club. I was dragged out by my dick,” Shep says sourly.

Poppy starts laughing and spitting out the champagne as she looks at me. “Cade!”

“Didn’t happen.”

“Damn near did. He comes busting in my house while I’m laid up naked with two of the most beautiful women—”

“Whose names you probably don’t even remember,” Poppy teases with a sparkle in her eyes.

“Yes, I do. Hope and Mary,” he says.

Chuckling, I shake my head. “Nope, Hannah and Mari.”

“One day, some girl will come and snatch your beautiful poor heart. You’re not going to be able to resist her, and she’s going to tame the shit out of you,” Poppy says.

“Why would you wish such misery on me?” Shep says dryly.

“Not misery, just commitment. Don’t you think it’s time to end your playboy ways?” Poppy asks.

“Speaking of a playboy,” I say with a nod at the doorway.

Our younger brother, Ezra, walks in the door with a beautiful, ash-blonde woman with grey eyes and full lips. She’s tall with big breasts and legs that go on forever.

“Who’s that?” Poppy asks.

“Miss Australia,” Shep says in a bored tone.

“I didn’t know you were into pageants,” she says.

“For just a few hours,” Shep remarks wryly.

I turn my gaze away from Ezra and his date and look at my older brother in disgust.

“Please don’t tell me that you screwed her,” Poppy pleads as Ezra, and his date make their way toward us.

Shrugging, Shep says, “Okay, I won’t.”

“This is going to be fun,” Poppy says, hiding her grin behind her glass.