Page 79 of Marco DeLuca

“What’re you going to do now? It’s time for you to focus on the business and the family now that you’ve got what you need,” my twin says.

“One more,” I grumble around my food.

“Then will you move on?”

“Don’t know what to move on to.”

“You’ve been thinking about her?”

I don’t say a word.

“She asked about you that night after you left. She loves you, you know.”

I snort.

“She does. You were always foolish when it came to women and their feelings.”

“The only woman that I ever....” I cut myself off, refusing to use the word love in the same sentence as any woman. I could never allow myself to indulge in foolish dreams of the heart. That’s not what my life is cut out for, and my insane mind won’t allow me to live a normal life.

“You love her. There’s no shame in admitting it.”

“I’d fuck her life up, Mass. You know that.”

He shrugs. “I don’t think so. I think you don’t give yourself enough credit. Unlike us, you’ve never been allowed to make decisions where women were concerned. Not the ones that matter anyway. You had those choices taken from you by Dad’s hands. He worried that you’d become weak with Maria and that she wasn’t strong enough to push you to get the best out of you. On the other hand, he knew Grazie had enough balls to do just that.”

“Yeah, so he forced me away from the first girl I ever truly cared about to a girl who was my best friend but who I no longer wanted like that.”

“And fuck partner.”

“Eventually. That was a while later though. She was a tease at first. Sometimes she was a fuck buddy, but I didn’t care about her enough to marry her.”

“Right. So you rebelled all your life by fucking anything that came across your path until you truly felt what love was.”

I shake my head. Massimo plants a firm hand on my shoulder.

“It’s okay to admit it. Take a chance on her, man. That guy isn’t for her. You’d save her from making the biggest mistake of her life. Just don’t fuck over her.”

I shake my head again and pinch the bridge of my nose as I stare at Rocco. Massimo has no idea of the promise that I made to Piper. I won’t break it.

“Have you told her?”

“No,” I grunt.

“Why not?”

“I refuse to have her thinking I only returned because Grazie died. She’s too important to me to destroy her that way.”

“It won’t,” Massimo argues.

“It will!”

“You’re delusional.”

“Maybe, but I’m doing this my way. Besides, I can’t drag her into my world right now. I still have a mission to complete. After thinking about it, I realize that I need to stay away from her for her sake as well as my own.”


“The attention. The heat. If people connect her to me then she’s in danger. I can’t put her life at stake that way. Going after the Colombos will draw heat. I don’t want that type of heat on her.”