Page 5 of Marco DeLuca

“I won’t,” I say softly.

“No, seriously. I worry that your dreams will get lost in his. You know my brother has a one-track mind and tunnel vision. He doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants.”

“That’s called determination and that’s what makes him successful.”

“Yeah, or take advantage of those who love him.”

“He won’t,” I say.

I can never tell Kortland that Kenneth has made me feel as if my dreams don’t matter and that he makes me feel incompetent sometimes in so many ways. Yet, I know he loves me.

It’s more important to me to have a solid, stable man with a bright future ahead of himself. One willing to commit to me and won’t have to hide me away. That’s better than a man who heats me up but always puts me second. A man that can never be mine.

I start dancing and smiling again to press those depressive thoughts out of my head. Today isn’t a day for sadness or regret or hopeful maybes. Today is a day of celebrating two of my closest friends.

“Piper, may I have a word with you?” Kenneth whispers in my ear while staring at his brother.

“We’re dancing, Kenneth. Can’t you wait until the song is over?”

He sighs dramatically. “It’s important. Besides, you’re making an ass of yourself out here on this floor in front of all the guests.”

I roll my eyes and seethe internally. “Am I, Kenneth? Or are you just ashamed of me? Because if so, then I’m not sure why you proposed or why I accepted.”

I’ve stopped dancing, and I know people are looking our way.

“Yo, chill,” Kortland says, tensing up.

“Little brother, this is between my fiancée and me,” Kenneth corrects.

Kortland snorts. “And it’smywedding day,” he replies in a dark tone.

“Kortland, it’s okay. I’ll go see what he wants. This isyourday, and I want you to enjoy it. Not get caught up in our situation,” I say, pressing a hand on his arm.

Kortland sucks his teeth and then saunters off as Kenneth grabs my hand and damn near drags me off the dance floor.

We don’t speak a word until we’re outside the convention center where the reception is being held.

“What the hell was that back there?” Kenneth asks through clenched teeth.

He’s shoved his hands in his pants pockets and paces back and forth in front of me.

“I don’t know, Kenneth. I was hoping maybe you might let me in on it.”

He stops and stares at me as if I’m the one that just lost my mind.

“You’re my fiancée, Piper. I thought you knew what that meant when you accepted my proposal and that you accepted everything that comes along with that. I thought that you were ready to represent me and the Paxton name!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“That!” he says maniacally, pointing at me. “You can’t continue to use such coarse language. If you’re going to be my wife, the wife of a council member with aspirations of running for Congress in a couple of years, then you need to start behaving like a lady.”

I cross my arms over my breasts not because of the chill in the air but to hold in the hostility and rage flaring inside me.

“Kenneth, I didn’t sign up to change who I am or for you to reshape me into someone I’m not. I thought you asked me to marry you because you love me, the woman you’ve spent the last few years with.”

“I do love you, Piper. Can’t you see?” he pleads, grabbing my hands and holding them in his.

“No, Kenneth. All I see is a man that’s not only trying to control his future but the lives of those around him who...who love him,” I manage to say.