Barrett stood up, a nefarious gleam in his eyes as he looked down at Cassidy.

He shook his head as he circled her slowly, thinking, planning, enjoying the fear he saw in her wide, frightened eyes.

“Nah,” he said suddenly, and the sinister look on his face forced me to fight the binds tying my wrists together. “I think I’ll just kill you.”

Before I could blink he was behind Cassidy with one hand clamped over her mouth and nose and the other wrapped around her neck

She screamed but they were muffled. She fought against him, kicking out and rocking the chair, desperate to break free, gasping for air.

Fear ripped through me. I struggled frantically, my muscles fighting the ties, my teeth gnashing together as I roared with determination, fear, and rage. I rubbed the zip ties against the wooden armrests to weaken them, but it was no fucking use. It would take time to break them down. Time I didn’t have.

“Stop!” I yelled desperately. “Tell me what you want.”

Barrett didn’t move his hands and looked almost amused as he asked, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

Cassidy’s wide eyes begged me for help.

“Whatever you want… kill me. Take me.”

Barrett looked pleased with himself. He thought for a moment and then grinned. But his hands remained on Cassidy, slowly taking the life from her.

“Oh, I don’t want to kill you yet.” His voice was smooth and calm, and he barely seemed to notice that Cassidy was slowly dying beneath the palms of his hands.

“What do you want?” I roared.

Darkness swept over his face. “You will succumb to me.”

My eyes met Cassidy’s.

“Anything you want.”

She started to go limp, her eyes beginning to close.

“I said anything you want!” I yelled at him just so he would take his damn hands off her. She was about to die and there wasn’t a fucking thing I could do about it but this.

Relief ripped through me when he removed his hands from her. Cassidy’s eyes widened, and she gasped, desperately gulping in oxygen.

He crouched down, and I felt the sharp stab of understanding

He looked up at me from between my jean-clad legs.

“I want you to submit to me, just like she did.” He licked his lips, his eyes gleaming with perverse pleasure, the front of his pants already growing. He slid up my body to whisper in my ear, “I’m going to make you come and it is going to torture you later because you will be filled with the shame of how much you enjoyed it. But only for as long as I let you live, of course.”

He trailed his fingers across my chest, and I flinched at the intimacy of his touch.

“Such a powerful body,” he whispered, biting his bottom lip as his fingers traced a line down my stomach and over the front of my jeans. He pressed his palm against my crotch and desire slithered across his deranged face. “I’m going to make you hard. Do you understand me? I’m going to take you in my mouth and suck you, and then, when I’m fucking you, I’m going to wrap my hand around your hard cock and jerk you off until you come with the pleasure.” He ran his hands through my thighs. “And you will remember it, always. The way my touch felt on your skin. The way my moans whispered in your ears. The way my cock felt inside you, filling you, making you come.”

He exhaled with a shiver, lost in his fantasy.

“You sick fuck,” I spat.

But he just laughed and rose to his feet, adjusting his erection.

Slowly walking behind me, he bent down and whispered, “You’ll try to forget. Try to tell yourself it wasn’t what you wanted. But your body will betray you. It will succumb to me, and it will ache for the things I’m about to do to you. And you will let me do them… or she dies.”

His laugh was wicked. Deep. Low. Evil.

He walked back to crouch down in front of me again.

“And I’m going to make her watch.” He nodded toward Cassidy, who was staring at us with terrified eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks as he leaned forward and undid my belt buckle. Her eyes were riveted to mine.

Look at me, they pleaded. Don’t look at what he is doing to you.

They sent a silent apology as his hand slid across my thigh. I felt his hand on my zipper and heard the trembling breath he took in anticipation.

“Oh you are such a beauty,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with lust.

He bent his head as he lowered my zipper but realized his mistake in not tying my ankles to the chair when I drove my knee upward into his chin and thrust my foot into his chest.

He fell backwards and I used the little time I had to start on the zip ties again, rubbing them back and forth along the chair arm to create enough friction to weaken them. With a ferocious wrench of both arms, I was able to snap both my wrists free.