I also had to consider it was possible they were working for someone who wasn’t even on our radar yet.

“You think this has something to do with the weed fields?” Cade suggested.

“Maybe.” I wasn’t convinced, though.

I heard gravel on the driveway as Sheriff Buckman pulled up to the house. A minute later, he appeared in the doorway. He took off his hat and shook his head at the pile of kindle that used to be Sybil’s glass cabinet.

“Any idea who did this?” he asked us.

“You’re the police,” I snapped. “Shouldn’t we be asking you that?”

I was angry at myself for not seeing this threat coming at us. If it wasn’t for my gun-toting grandmother, things could’ve gone south real quick.

“A few people out here on the river have reported B & E’s. We weren’t sure if it was kids or not. But there has been a spate of them in the last week, so they are more than likely related.”

“You’ve had reports of B & E’s along the river, and we’re just hearing about this now?” I growled.

“It’s police business, son.”

“We pay you to make it our business,” I barked at him. Christ, if anything had happened to Cassidy. “And when I have someone I’m protecting, I should know about this… fuck!”

“You’re protecting someone?” Bucky stepped closer. “And why am I just hearing about this now?”


Bull put a hand between us, and I stepped back. I was beyond frustrated. I should never have left Cassidy alone before the prospect got here. I was distracted by my feelings for her. If I hadn’t been, I would’ve seen this coming.

“Think it’s time we had a word with those boys from the Tribe,” Bull said. “Quinn said they’ve been hanging out at Coota’s.”

Coota’s was a bar just out of town. Far enough for Bull not to worry about them lingering too close to our territory.

“Just don’t make it a bloody word,” Bucky said wearily. “I don’t want the paperwork.”

“Relax, Bucky,” Cade said. “Coota’s isn’t in your jurisdiction. Sheriff Pamela would get this particular headache, and I’m pretty sure she will see it from Bull’s point of view.” He gave Bull a raised eyebrow. Bull’s affair with Sheriff Pamela from our neighboring county was the worst kept secret in both counties.

“I’m coming,” I said. “I’ve got a few things I’d like to say to them.”

With my fists. Over and over until they get the message.

“No, you take Cassidy back to the clubhouse until we get this mess sorted,” Bull said. His eyes told me to not fight him on this. “You take care of her.”

I nodded and turned to Cassidy. “Go pack your things and we’ll head back to the clubhouse.”

When she disappeared into the bedroom, I turned to Grandma Sybil.

“Let’s get out of here. The prospects can clean this up.”

“You go on right ahead. I’ll just take care of the brownies and then I’ll be right behind you,” Grandma Sybil said.

I shook my head. “We’re not leaving you here alone. It’s not safe.”

Grandma Sybil waved me off. “Those babies aren’t coming back. Probably gone home to change their shorts. Little punks.”

“I’ll stay and help Grandma Sybil with the brownies,” Maverick said with a grin. “And if those freaks come back, I’m sure Ma Baker and I can handle it.”


“You okay?” Chance asked as we walked into his bedroom at the clubhouse.

I dumped my bag on the bed and turned around. “Do you really think those men were there for stashed weed. I mean, they knew whose house they were breaking into, but I get the feeling there was something else going on.”

He drew me into his arms. “I know it was scary for you, angel, but you’re safe now.” He wiped my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I’m sorry I didn’t see this coming. If Bucky had told me earlier about the break-ins along the river, I would never have left you.”

“It’s okay. Your badass granny kicked their butts.” I couldn’t help but chuckle as I remembered the old lady and her shotgun.

Chance grinned and that warm gooey feeling came back again.

“I’m all yours for the rest of the day. What do you want to do?” he said, pulling me to him by the hips.

I knew the perfect distraction.

I reached up on tiptoes to kiss his beautiful lips. “I know exactly how I want to spend the afternoon.”

He grinned into our kiss. “I have a feeling I’m going to like what you’re suggesting.”

Two minutes later, we were lying on the bed with another episode of Game of Thrones playing on the TV.

“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” he murmured against my shoulder. He lay behind me, my body resting on his broad chest, my arm spread across his solid abs. Here I felt secure. Safe and hopeful.