He pressed his lips to my forehead, but I didn’t want him to leave. I had woken up needy and aroused. Even after a night of crazy love making the night before, I was still looking for more.

I pulled him to me and kissed him hard and long so there was no misunderstanding about what I wanted.

“Really?” He raised a sexy eyebrow at me. “I wish I’d known this half an hour ago.”

“Are you turning me down?”

“Merely asking for a rain check, darlin’,” he leaned down and kissed me again. “I have more drywall being delivered in about fifteen minutes.”

I grabbed him by his T-shirt and held him to me. “I can be real quick.”

“And Hawke has organized some bedrock for the fireplace to be delivered today.”

“Drywall. Bedrock. Keep talking sexy like that, baby. You’re driving me wild.”

He grinned against my lips. “Anyone tell you you’re greedy.”

I dragged his hand under the sheet so he could feel just how much I wanted him while my other hand slid up his thighs, to where his jeans were beginning to tent at the zipper, and he rasped out a breath.

“You’re going to kill me,” he groaned when I started on his zipper.

“Are you complaining?”

He kicked off his jeans and ripped his T-shirt over his head so all I saw was a wall of muscles in front of me.

He nestled his bulk between my thighs, and I began to tingle.

“Baby, the day I can’t make time for this is the day they should bury me,” he said, driving a hard thrust into my body and making me gasp.

Kissing me fiercely, he began his encore performance from the previous night, his hard body turning mine to mush for the next hour and leaving me well fucked and spent in the tangled sheets when he left.

I was still lying in the sheets with a smile on my face when I heard the front door open and a woman’s voice announce her arrival. I sat up abruptly and patted down the bed covers to find the T-shirt and panties Chance had ripped off me the night before. Quickly putting them on, I hunted for my denim cutoffs and found them on the floor. Shoving my legs into them, I hurried out of the bedroom to find and an old lady with bright red hair and even brighter red lips unpacking groceries at the kitchen counter. She was wearing a dazzling multi-colored caftan covered in tiny crystals, and in the sunlight she glowed like a prism. She was unpacking two grocery bags and humming.

“Hi there,” I said, doing up the button to my denim shorts as I walked in.

She looked up when she heard me, and her face broke into a big smile. “Well, hello there.”

She breezed across the room to me, her caftan sparkling like a disco ball as she walked through the rays of sunlight spilling in through the windows.

“You must be Cassidy,” she said, her eyes wise and bright as she looked at me.

“I am,” I replied. “You must be Grandma Sybil.”

She seemed impressed that I knew who she was.

“Why yes, yes I am.” Her eyes gleamed mischievously. “Well, aren’t you just a beauty. I always knew my grandson had good taste.”

“Oh, um… it’s not… you know… to be honest…” I stuttered under her gaze. I didn’t know what was happening with Chance. I knew I was falling for him. Hell, I was bat-shit crazy falling in love with him. But as far as his feelings… I wasn’t sure if he was ready to tell the world.

“Well, I know my grandson. You must be pretty special for him to bring you here.”

I couldn’t stop the goofy smile from spreading across my face, because her words and her kindness had just turned my heart to mush.

“Thank you for letting me stay here for a while,” I said.

“You’re so welcome, sweetheart. When Chance mentioned he was bringing you out here, I thought to myself, Sybil, this girl has got to mean something to your sweet boy. She’s going to be something pretty special for him to do this.”

I didn’t know what to say. I shoved my hands into the back pockets of my shorts because I was suddenly feeling all gooey inside like a lava cake.

“Now, you come with me,” she said, taking my hand and guiding me into the kitchen. “You can help me bake my brownies.”

“Sure. But I have to warn you, I pretty much suck at baking.”

“Not after today you won’t, my gorgeous girl. Because I’m going to show you how to make the perfect brownie.”

I watched as she took an apron from the pantry and put it on over her caftan. She found a second one and handed it to me.

“Ready?” she asked with a glittery sparkle in her eyes.

I nodded. “Ready!”

“Right. Get me a baking pan out of that drawer over there and turn the oven on to 325 degrees.”