There was a pause as Behemoth probably thought about the consequences of hanging up again. He would be stupid if he did. Bull didn’t make idle threats. If he said he would ride down to Gulfport, he would ride down there and shove his fist so far down Behemoth’s throat he’d be able to feel his kidneys.

Behemoth wisely decided to help.

“They got some job to do up there. Don’t ask me what. Those boys are brothers, and they do a lot of moonlighting. They can do what they like when it’s not on club time.” His voice was gruff. “Happy, Mr. President?”

Bull grinned to himself. “See, was that hard?”

Behemoth replied by hanging up.

Bull looked at me.

“Holiday is over. I need you back working on this.”


I wasn’t happy about my time with Cassidy being cut short. But I was the SAA. It was my job to stand by my president and be the enforcer in the investigation.

I spoke to Wyatt on the phone on my way back to the cabin.

“What is Barrett up to?” I asked. “Has he done anything out of the usual?”

“The guy is a douche, there’s no denying that, but is he coming your way? I don’t think so. This guy is balls deep in a pretty indulgent life out here in Cali. Money. Cars. Flashy clothes. Women. Men. This guy is too busy being a rich prick and fucking his way through the population of SoCal to worry about anything going on two thousand miles away in Mississippi.”

The reports were promising. Consistent. So far, Barrett hadn’t made any moves to suggest he was planning anything.

Likewise with Kerry Silvermane. There was nothing to suggest he was even aware Barrett knew where Cassidy was.

Which was a relief.

But at the same time troublesome.

Unfortunately, only time would tell. Until then, I would stick to Cassidy like glue, and when I couldn’t be here because of club business, I would make sure one of the prospects was with her.

Cassidy was in the kitchen when I got home, still dressed in her waitress uniform, chopping vegetables for dinner. I walked in and stood behind her at the kitchen counter, the scent of her immediately driving me wild.

She turned around in my arms and kissed me like she hadn’t seen me in weeks.

“I could get used to this,” I groaned against her lips.

I liked what was happening between us. I wanted to explore it some more. Vander Quinn’s murder investigation couldn’t have come at a worst time.

“Want a beer?” she asked, walking to the refrigerator.

When I nodded, she handed me one and I gave her a wink. “I could definitely get used to this.”

We took our drinks out onto the porch just as the sun began to set. The sky was red and orange with hints of pink.

As we sat sipping our beers, I filled her in the murder investigation.

“Any idea on who might have killed her?” she asked.

I told her what Mayor Quinn said about his wife having an affair.

“So we visited the guy who was supposedly her lover, but it was a dead end. They were only friends. Met at the tennis club where he works and she plays. They became close but nothing intimate.”

“Can you be sure he was telling the truth?”

“When we met him, he was with his boyfriend. It’s a well-kept secret. Apparently the tennis committee is old school and have a thing about homosexuality.” I shook my head. “Judgmental sons of bitches.”

“So what now?”

“Tomorrow, we’re checking out a few more leads.” I ran a finger up her bare arm. “This means I’m going to have put in some long hours with the club.”

“I thought as much.”

“You okay with that?”

She put down her drink and gave me a seductive smile.

“It just means we’ll have to make the most of our time together,” she said suggestively.

Her tongue slid across her bottom lip, and my cock lurched to life behind my pants.

“Ever made love outside?” she asked, kneeling down in front of me and reaching for my belt buckle. She raised an eyebrow as she slowly lowered the zipper.

I was at her mercy.

And there was no other place I wanted to be.

She reached in and took me in her soft hand, her beautiful blue eyes closing as she leaned down and slid her plump lips over the broad head of my cock. A deep groan tore out of my mouth, and my head fell back in pleasure.

Her mouth and tongue were insatiable, sucking and licking, building the tension. I rasped her name and tangled my fingers in her hair.

As her fingers curled around the base, her other hand found the tight skin of my balls and I almost filled her mouth when she began to massage them. I growled, my mind so crazy with euphoria it left me almost intoxicated by the pleasure.