Page 6 of Jaasiel

“I’m sorry,” I immediately stopped. It was not intentional to try to manipulate him; I was just let down. He releases a deep breath.

“Fine. How many are supposed to be at this damn dinner party?” he demands.

“One. Just me.”

He looks at me for a long hard minute. “So basically, you want me to cook dinner for you?”

“For us.”

“For us? I am doing that now,” he disrespectfully points out.

“I am aware of that, but we are here and not at my house,”

“Like a date?”

“I mean, if you want to look at it that way,” I say, not wanting to scare him off. I am usually really good at reading men. In my entire life, there has only been one man I could not read, and now there are two. He’s like an unbroken stallion, ready to buck and run at any sudden movement.

“You want me to come to your house and cook dinner for just the two of us? It kinda sounds like a date.”

“Fine, yes, it’s a date. I am asking you out on a date.” I give up.

“A date you asked for, and I have to cook for? Doesn’t seem like much of a date.”

He really gets on my nerves with all the logic he is throwing at me, and he flusters me so badly that I can barely put together a sentence to counteract his words.

“If you put it that way, then I guess it isn’t much of a date, but nevertheless, it is what I am asking for. So…” I leave the question open.

“All you had to do was ask,” he says right before he slides my made dinner plate in front of me as he takes a seat with his own plate next to me. Before I can say another word,Can’t Hide LovebyEarth, Wind, and Firebegins to play. He bows his head, says grace, and begins to eat.

The steak is so tender that I do not need a knife and so perfectly seasoned I let out a long moan as the flavors dance across my taste buds. I don’t even realize I am wiggling until his stare makes me stop.


“Don’t be daft. You know it’s amazing.”

“I aim to please,” he says, causing all types of visions to run through my mind like a movie reel, and I want to cross my legs. No other words are spoken as we devour our plates; his timing is so perfect that the dessert is done as soon as we finish dinner. “When is this lopsided dinner?”

“You tell me. I will work around your schedule.” We agree on a few days from today.


This woman is like no woman I have ever met before. Out of all the ways she could have used to get in touch with me, she chooses to buy all the seats at this exclusive cooking class just to ask me out on a date that I have to cook for. The entire night, we talked as we ate the meal I prepared. She is no dummy whatsoever, and I appreciate that. The standard for the women we have in our lives is high. Wait, where did that come from? She’s not in my life. Hell, I don’t even know what she truly does for a living. We enjoyed the meal and each other’s company.

“Jaasiel, I know I have only eaten your food twice, but it gets better each time. This was the best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life; I would definitely be the size of a baby elephant hanging around you,” she says as she pushes the plate away from her as if it offended her.

“You’d just need to find an activity that will have you sweating enough to keep the weight off,” I tell her as I take the plate from in front of her and prepare to rinse it so I can clean the kitchen and head home. “What?” I ask her when I realize she has gone silent.

“Tell me, Mr. Gideon, what activity could I do that would have me sweating that hard?” she asks, and I realize I have backed myself into a corner with my comment.

“Jogging,” I reply instantly.

“Does it look like I jog?”

“You look like you’d be just fine racing towards the finish line. I’d make sure I’d give you the right motivation to cross the finish line before me,” I tell her, no longer talking about jogging. When did we get to this conversation, and how do I go back to a safer topic?

“I’m a lot of woman not many men can handle giving me the type of long hard motivation it would take to get me across the finish line,” she says, and I take it as a challenge.

“I have more than enough long, hard motivation to get you where you have to go with ease.”