Page 44 of Jaasiel

“Don’t apologize, Princess. I am so happy you came back to me. Prepare yourself for the onslaught of our family. Get your rest, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” I tell her kissing her on the forehead, and she is asleep before I can sit back down. I can finally breathe a little.

“She’s got a long way to go before she’s fully healed but she’s a fighter. We have a few tests we need to do, and depending on the results, she may be able to come home in a few days,” Lennox says.

So, I have a few days to do what I need to do. It’s not a lot of time, but it’s enough. I sleep, waiting for the sun to rise and our family to come up here en masse.

By the time I wake again, it’s to Brooklyn coming to take Parker to get some x-rays done and a few other tests. And as if they coordinated it, as soon as visiting hours began, the family began flowing in.

Her parents were the first ones to show up, but Parker was still gone, and shortly after, everyone else showed up too. By the time Parker was wheeled back into the room, it was a full house.

“My baby,” her mother said pulling her into a hug, both of them crying, followed by her dad. She already seems stronger from when she woke up just hours ago.

“Jaa, can you get me some ice, please?”

“Of course, baby,” I get up, heading to the ice machine in the hallway, however, something else grabs my attention. There is a tall, dark-haired doctor talking to Brooklyn, but it’s not the fact that he’s talking to her, it’s how he’s talking to her. As a man, I am very familiar with the look in his eyes, and it is one of definite interest. Brooklyn, however, is completely oblivious to it, she is so busy looking through the chart and pointing things out to him that she misses all the looks filtering across his face, but my brother doesn’t.

“Who the fuck is that talking to Brook?” he says obviously pissed off.

Shrugging, I reply, “Her possible future.” Walking away from his pissed-off face and expletives. I told him the day she graduated, I hoped Brooklyn would find someone who was going to love her the way she deserved, and that didn’t change. I love Aryan, and out of all my brothers, he and I are closest to each other, the cook that doesn’t want to be a chef and the medic that doesn’t want to be a doctor. We understood each other, but I don’t understand this. I wasn’t looking to get married and, as a matter of fact, thought I was the one brother who was going to slip through the cracks, but when Parker came along, I didn’t squander the gift God blessed me with. I took hold of it with both hands and hung on. My brother needs to get his shit together and I am not going to sugarcoat it for him.

A few hours later, Parker is sleeping again when Lennox and Brooklyn come to give us the good news. There isn’t any permanent damage, and Parker is healing pretty well, meaning she will be able to go home in about seventy-two hours. There are some things I need to get for her so she can have the proper care, but that’s not a problem.

“Jabarri,” I call him into the hallway.

“What’s up?” he asks, and I give him a list of what I need.

“Can you do it?”

“You know I can.”

“Good, Parker comes home in seventy-two hours. You have twenty-four.”

“I only need twelve,” he says, walking away and tapping away on his phone.


“Hi, Max,” I say when he steps into his house. Reaching up, I turn on the lamp that’s next to me on the table. The recognition on his face is immediate as he turns to try and run out of the door, but the knife I pull from the thigh holster stops him in his tracks when it logs in his thigh. His scream is music to my ears because for every scream he caused Parker to make, I am going to return to him a thousand-fold. Walking over, I pull the knife out of his thigh and hit him with the hilt on his temple, causing him to pass out. I open the trunk I brought with me just for him and dump his body in it. I drag the trunk out and down the stairs making sure I am not gentle at all and hitting every single stair on the way down before unceremoniously throwing it in the back of my Super Duty pickup.

I think I might have hit him a bit too hard, it’s been hours, and he still has woken up, but I have time to wait. After about an hour, I hear the telltale groaning coming from the floor, letting me know it’s time. A few minutes later, he sits up looking around the room, his eyes finally finding me, going big, and then almost bulging out of his head when he sees what I am standing next to.

“So Max, you and I have a problem. You put your hands on what belongs to me, on someone I love more than my own life, more than my freedom, more than my soul’s salvation, so you’re going to have to answer for that.”

“That bitc…” he stops short of calling her a bitch when he notices the look on my face. “She ruined my life!” he says, almost crying.

“You ruined your life. You couldn’t get out of your own way long enough. That’s your fault, not hers. And I just have to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t care if she did. She is off-limits. Now had you done a quick internet search of who I was, you would have known not to fuck with what’s mine. You would have seen that I am a former special forces military, as are all of my brothers. But unfortunately, you didn’t, and that mistake is going to cost you your life. Now my brother is a chemist who specializes in poisons and other drugs. Not that long ago, he created a drug to amplify your nerve receptors, causing even a breeze of air across your skin to be painful. I asked him to make me something similar, but I also wanted the person to stay alert and not overload the heart, causing a possible heart attack or stroke, and being the big brother and genius he is, he came up with something. Then I asked my other brother to not only find you and keep an eye on your whereabouts but to find me a secluded location and all the equipment you see here, and because he is a computer genius, he did. See one thing about us, we protect each other, always, so even if something were to happen to me, they would have found you too. Now fortunately for you and unfortunately for me, I don’t have a lot of time, but I can guarantee you the little amount of time that you have left will be the most painful you have ever had in your life.”

He looks terrified, and he should. I walk over to the table that holds my boning hook, breaking knife, boning knife, steel, gambrel, and meat saw, making sure everything is in order.

When I asked Jabarri to find this building, I not only told him to find a remote location but also to make sure it had floor drainage. Jabarri being who he is, found an old meat processing center, a perfect place for what I have in mind. He is crying now and babbling about how he was high and didn’t know what he was doing, begging me to give him another chance and even saying that at least he didn’t rape her. Just hearing the fact that he was going to pisses me off to the point of fury. I take the syringe from Joseph and inject him with his concoction before I punch him in the face. He is not tied up or restrained, so he tries to fight back. “Help me understand how you at your big age needed to sneak up on a woman, hitting her from behind in order to get the best of her?

“Parker isn’t helpless! She put me in the hospital for days,” he slurs out between his busted lips and missing teeth. His whole mouth and face are distorted and bloody. I can almost see the exact moment the drugs kick in, his eyes are so big they are literally bugging out of his head, and he begins screaming from the pain.

“She gave you a chance because if it were me, I would have six-footed you and called it a damn day, but here we are.” I cut his shirt off. “Normally, when breaking down an animal for meat, I’d break his neck or give him a single shot to the head before cutting him from throat to groin before I would disarticulate it, but for you, we’re going to do things a little backwards.” I start at his shoulder with my boning knife cutting to the bone running the blade along the bone to this elbow slicing his flesh in one smooth piece. I repeat the motion until the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is nothing but bone. I take my bone saw and cut his lower arm off and hang it from the gambrel. He has screamed himself hoarse and thrown up on himself.

“Tell me did you have any sympathy for Parker when you were trying to beat her to death, rape her and then rob her?”

“I didn’t rape her!” he barely mumbles out.

“But you planned on it, right?”