Page 38 of Jaasiel

“Good, now let’s dance,” he jumps from the table taking my hand and tugging me out of my seat with him. The crew we hired to set up is amazing. As we make our way to the other side of the table to the dance floor, they make quick work of dismantling the tables and reconfiguring them to give us more room to dance and party.

Leading out to the middle of the dance floor, the first strands ofChrisette Michelle’s A Couple of Foreversbegins to play. I go willingly in his arms and follow his lead not only in this dance but in life. After that, I feel like I am playing musical dances, dancing with my father, his father, my mom, his mom, then all his brothers, Peter, and the General. By this time, the dance floor is filled, and we are having the time of our lives.

After the required dances we slipped off to change into our final outfit of the evening. I change into my signature all-white pant suit with ankle-length pants to show off theVersace™Medusa Chain heels Jaasiel gifted me for tonight, and Jaasiel matches it with one of his own.

The DJ is keeping the hits going making us all stay on the dance floor, but when he playsCeeLo Green’s I’ll Be Around,Jaasiel grabs me and starts dancing the step dance that does with the song forcing me to fall in with him because I refuse to let him outdance me! Next thing you know, the entire dance floor is doing the dance. If I could go back and change something about this wedding, I wouldn’t change a damn thing!


I place the last bag in the car and head inside to collect my wife so we can get started on our long flight to Canton of Ticino. I am almost to the door when Parker’s sister appears out of nowhere.

“I wanted to get a chance to talk to you without my sister there to prevent it.”

“I have no desire to talk to you, especially not without your sister present. So move.”

“It will only take a second,” she says, stepping near me as I step back. “You don’t have to act like that. I won’t bite.”

“I wouldn’t really care if you did, seeing as you wouldn’t get a chance to either way.”

“I just wanted to clear the air; I am not a bad person. My sister’s marriage was over before it ever really began, and when they lost their baby, she turned him away. He had no one to support him as he was grieving. I was there for him. We didn’t mean to fall in love, it just happened. We realized we were better suited for each other, and seeing how fast life can be over, we decided to be together and not allow social constructs to keep us from being happy. If Parker could have simply understood that and not acted so immaturely about the situation, we could still be sisters right now.”

“I need you to find a therapist who is up for a challenge because the way you just folded yourself in knots to justify the underhanded bullshit you did to your sister is just plain crazy. And you didn’t come out here to clear the air, you came out here to see if I was as weak as that jelly back sorry excuse of a man. I can tell you know my newborn niece is more of a man than that bitch you’re married to. You can take your ass back to wherever you came from and leave your sister alone. She has real sisters now.”

“She always manages to come out on top,” she sneers. “I was fine! I was the only child for six years beforeshecame along. Then all of a sudden, it was Parker, Parker, Parker! I had to share everything, our parents, the house, my stuff, and then as she got older, she turned into everything I couldn’t. I ate myself sick trying to gain weight but remained slim as a boy. And even when she grew to be considered fat, she still got more attention from men than I did. I was supposed to be the sought-after sister, tall, thin, light skin, long wavy hair, and here she comes, black as hell, fat as hell, nappy-headed, and still, she goteverything!” she is practically screaming by this time.

“When she lost the baby and Terrell came to me it was a sign. Finally I was able to take something from her, just like she had done with me since she was born. And what did the bitch do? She thrived and ended up with more than before. Even if I can’t have you, I am going to make sure she thinks you wanted me and that will ruin your marriage,” she says, her smug smile transforming into a scowl at my laughter.

“Fuck a therapist. You need an extended stay in a mental hospital. Are you seriously standing here on your sister’s wedding day telling her husband that you are and have been jealous of your baby sister her entire life, and you are so jealous you want to try to destroy her marriage? There is no way in hell you could ever ruin what she and I have. She would never believe I would even look in your direction; Gideon men don’t stray, ever.” She is moving before the words are out fully, trying to pull me into a kiss, and at that exact moment, Parker is walking out the door looking for me with Savvy and True.

“How much did you hear, Princess?”

“Pretty much all of it. I always wondered why and now I have my answer. Now, Terrell, you were right. I didn’t want him anymore, that’s why I let you slide, but Jaasiel! I’m not going to let that slide. I might have to get a new uniform,” she turns to say to me before turning back around and backhanding her sister so hard she flew up against the wall. She then punched her sister in the eye, and the swelling was immediate. Taking her by the hair, she slung her to the ground and kicked her so hard in the abdomen Ananasi slid across the pavement before Parker was on her again raining down blows all over her sister.

“I loved you! And the whole time you hated me! This is all the shit you tried to do and did do to me, you crazy bitch!”

As she is kicking her sister’s ass, Parker’s ex-husband comes running to help his wife, but before he could touch my wife, I put his ass to sleep with one hit.

“Alright, baby,” I say quietly. Her sister looks like a package of ground beef.

“And that’s why she’s our sister!” True says.

“Mmm, that ass whooping reminded me of when I beat my kidnapper’s ass in Africa.”

“Come on, sis, you can’t get on the jet looking like that,” Joyce says, she came out when she heard the commotion along with almost everyone else.

“I’m sorry, Momma.”

“You don’t have to apologize to me, I’m her mother, but right is right. I never saw this jealousy or hate in her, and your father and I thought we gave you both equal attention. I should have figured out that she was struggling and given her more attention.” Parker’s mom says, tears in her eyes.

“Don’t do that to yourself, Trixie. That may have worked if we were talking about them fighting over a toy as a child, but we’re not. Anansi is a grown woman, and she knows right from wrong. It has nothing to do with what we did or didn’t do. She made her own decisions.” Kerring says. “Jaasiel, you take my other daughter, and y’all go on y’all’s honeymoon. We’ll take care of her.”

“Yes, sir,” I reply as Parker comes back out in another outfit.


“Good, let’s say goodbye to our family and get going.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she says, and thirty minutes later, we’re on Peter’s jet headed for our honeymoon.