Page 36 of Jaasiel

Let them see that they did not destroy you. And by the way, if they get out of pocket, feel free to unleash the ass-whooping they both deserved years ago, and not that you need it, but your sisters, your other sisters over there, will be more than happy to help you.”

“Jaasiel!” my mother says. “Both of them are Partricia’s children.”

“Sorry, Momma,” I say.

“Yes, they both are mine, so I am going to take a long way around to stop the fight,” Partricia says. “They are both grown, and some things deserve an ass whooping.”


“Hush, you’re about to get married. Like Jaasiel said, let them see you, baby. It’s time.”

My sisters make their way over to Parker, “I see the calvary has arrived, so I am going to go over here and get cussed out by my brothers,” I tell Parker as I kiss her on the cheek before walking away.

“Why am I not surprised that you would have a surprise secret wedding,” Josh says. “You were always the brother who wanted the least amount of attention. I am happy for you, brother, and your future wife is the perfect complement to you.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, what Josh said, but what I want to know is who is going to be your best man?” Atlas says, making us all laugh.

“Actually, I planned on having a best woman.”

“What!” they exclaim.

“Yep, if it wasn’t for Carla, I would have never met Parker, so she’ll be my best woman. I mean, once I ask her, that is.”

“Do you mean it? I would love to be your best woman!” Carla says from behind me.

“Ear hustling again, dove?” Asher says to his wife.

“No, I came over here to tell Jaasiel we’re ready and overheard him. It was completely accidental,” she says, slamming her hands on her hips indignantly.

“Sorry baby,” he leans down to kiss her.

“Don’t start that shit! Next thing you know, you two will be putting on a show for everyone here. Not only can you two not keep your hands off of each other, y’all breed like bunnies.” Jabarri says.

“We have three children, and two of them are twins. You act like we have a dozen kids.” Carla says.

“You all have the most kids. Well, actually, Savvy has the most with four, you have three, Megan has one, and now Joyce and Joseph have one. Who else is about to pop out a baby?” Aryan says.

“Don’t look my way,” I say. “Looks like the women are ready. Let’s head to the altar.”

I take my place at the altar with Carla next to me as my best woman. I wait a little anxiously for my soon-to-be wife to come to me.

The first notes ofSnoh Aalegra’sversion ofDo 4 Lovebegin to play, and I watch Parker come to me on the arm of her father. Everyone is standing by their seats. We made sure the tables and chairs were arranged not just for dinner but so they could watch us get married unobstructed. Even though I have already seen her dress, just her walking towards me and understanding what that means has tears welling in my eyes. I was content to be the brother that didn’t get married, but now I couldn’t imagine not having Parker in my life. I love everything about her, and I wouldn’t change a single thing. After I proposed and she tried to get me to sign that ridiculous prenup, she asked me what I expected her to do with her company, and I told her to run it like she had been running. Being my wife doesn’t change shit outside of having the Gideons’ backing. She was worried about how the rest of the family would feel about what she did, and I reassured her they wouldn’t care.

I was proved right when I revealed her profession to them. Not only did they laugh their asses off, but Aryan bought her a jacket that said Pimptress on the back. Jabarri offered to upgrade her computer system, and of course, Atlas and True offered their enforcer services. I swear they need intense therapy. I told her when I asked her to marry me, I asked the woman she was, not who she thought I wanted or needed her to be. Not soon enough, she reaches me, and her father is putting her hand in mine. I pull her into my side as we turn to face Pastor Errington and wait to be married.

“Well, here we are again. At this rate, I should just move into the house until the rest of you are married.” He says, causing all of us to laugh. “But it is nothing short of a pleasure and honor to come every time I am called to marry one of these extraordinary young men,” Pastor says.

Pastor Errington proceeds with the ceremony with his usual warm, kind, and humorous personality until it is time for us to exchange vows.

“Outside of my family, I have had one place that was home to me, that was my comfort and safety until I met you. It was only fitting that I met you through doing what I love to do, one love brought another. I have watched my brothers find love with some of the most amazing women on this planet, women who perfectly balance and center them. I have seen what real love really is through them and through my parents, so I know what we have is perfect. You are my person, and I do not have adequate words or adequate time to thank God that out of the almost eight billion people on this rock, He thought enough about me to send me you. You are the fire to my ice, the yin to my yang, and I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. I didn’t fall in love with a future version of you I fell in love with who you are right now and every day the Lord allows me to live, I will wake up and choose to love the woman who wakes up next to me no matter what version of you it is. In you, I have gained a partner, a friend, a wife, and a partner in crime. I cannot wait to be the husband you deserve and be able to call you my wife. I promise to feed you, support you, laugh with you when life is funny and hold you when this world is unkind. I will always protect you, even if it means with my life, because without you in it, I will no longer want to be here. I will work every day to be worthy of the gift of your presence in my life. You are my home; your heart is my safe space.”


“Whew, I should have gone first,” I say, fanning my face in a futile attempt to stop the tears from flowing. “You know your way around the kitchen and words, that’s a very dangerous combination. Jaasiel, I was not looking, desiring, or manifesting a man, let alone a husband in my life, and I never dared to hope for someone as perfect for me as you. Your love is a soothing balm to my tattered heart and a sweet song to my bruised soul. You are the coolest breeze on the hottest day. The peace you bring to me is unmatched by anything else this world could ever offer me. You are everything all at once and more than I could have dared imagine. You are more than any love story could create. You surpass the greatest love story ever written by the greatest author. You Are Everything! You are the greatest gift I have ever been given, and that gift is magnified by the family you have brought into my life. I will always be your taste tester. I will always love the man you are, I will be your confidant, I will keep your secrets, and I will be grateful every day for the way you love me. Every day I am given life, I will strive to be the woman, wife, and friend you have cultivated in me. I will be your biggest cheerleader and greatest support in this life, and in every variation of life, my love will always be yours.”

As soon as the last word is out of my mouth, I am being crushed by his embrace, and there isn’t a dry eye in the house. After he releases me, I peek over to where my ex and sister are sitting and almost choke trying to hold in my laugh. His face is longing, and her face is murderous. If I didn’t know better, I would think they are miserable together, but whenever they are around our parents, they appear to be the happiest couple ever coupled. And we are not even going to mention their social media pages. They are always traveling and posing together like the happiest couple ever. But if looks could kill, I am sure I would be looking at the pearly gates right now.

Another prayer, the exchange of rings, and before I know it, Pastor Errington says, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jaasiel, you may kiss your bride.”