Page 34 of Jaasiel

“Please don’t. I will never hear the end of it. I am glad she had retired from the training ring because if she fights like that at her age, I can only imagine her when she was young.”

“Believe it or not, she didn’t get like that until after she married Josh; before that, she just shot people,” I tell her, thinking back to Josh reluctantly letting Savvy train with us.

“Oh, I believe it!” she says as Praise heads back into the kitchen, and we make sure everything is up to our standards and all the things we sent earlier are here.

“It’s time, Princess.”

We head to the entrance to greet our family as they come, and we get there just as her parents are walking up.

“Mr. and Mrs. King, how are you?” I say, kissing her mother on the cheek and shaking her dad’s hand.

“We wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” Partricia says.

“Momma, Daddy, go on in. There’s a seating chart to let you know where to sit, and there is food to snack on until dinner is ready.”

“Okay, ladybug,” her dad says as they walk deeper inside.

“Leave it to our parents to be the first ones here,” I tell her as I see my parents are next to arrive.

“Tama, Tamahine,” My dad says as he walks up with my mom.

“Parker, these are my parents, Hemi and Bria Gideon.”

“You can call us Papa and Mama,” my dad says as Parker leans forward to touch her forehead to my dad’s and then my mother’s. When they get to me, I am engulfed in a bear hug from my dad, and I pull my mom into one.

“Parker’s parents are already inside,” I inform them.

“Your parents are gorgeous,” she says after they are gone.

“So are yours,” I reply.

“Brother,” Aryan says as he walks up. Things have been tense between us since Brooklyn’s graduation. I do not like the way he is treating Brooklyn, and I am not going to be silent about it. She gave up her life in Alabama to come here and nurse my brother back to health. Brooklyn helped deliver Carla’s twins and has become a loved part of this family, and for him to be toying with her pisses me off.

“Aryan,” I reply.

“I need you two to work this shit out,” Josh barks. “Tonight is too important for y’all to still be holding onto this grudge. Aryan, your ass is wrong, and you need to figure things out with Brooklyn and fast. Jaasiel, let the shit go. Tonight is for you and Parker.”

“You’re right, but just for tonight,” I say when I feel Parker squeeze my arm.

“Girl, you are wearing the hell out of that dress!” Savannah says.

“As are you, Savvy. Is that dress the reason you and Josh were a little late?”

“Girl no, Jag’s quickies would have us missing the entire night.”

“Aww so it’s a Gideon thing,” Parker says.

“Damn sure is. You ain’t figured that out yet?” True says coming up to hip check Savvy.

After that, the rest of the family shows up. Skai and Brooklyn come together extra late but look amazing.

“Uncle Jaasiel, you out here about to make Aunt Parker have to catch a charge looking good in that white suit and your hair hanging all the way down your back. But then again, Aunt Parker, you out here stepping on necks with that outfit.”

“Girl, you are a mess, but you stepping on necks with that orange dress. If I didn’t know any better, I would never believe you had a baby at all.” Parker tells, her referring to the baby she carried for Anson and Megan that turned out to be twelve pounds fourteen ounces, and she had her naturally with no medication and has snapped back like she never had any child, let alone a toddler. “Well, I think stepping on necks is something the women of the Gideon family do naturally.” She says, and Skai and Brooklyn shake their heads in agreement as they walk in too.

“I think that is everyone,” I say to her. All the brothers are here with their wives and the single brothers, the adult kids, Peter, Lennox, Moses, Bree, T’Aundrea, Angela, Emerson, Eliza, TaVonna and her husband, Luke, Lucas, and Liam, and Parker’s oldest client Andrew. All in all, it’s a full house. I turn to Parker, “Are you ready?”

“Yep, let’s get this show on the road.” She says as we make our way into the ballroom.