Kyle stepped closer to take her hand from Brian’s. The gesture was as disgusting as it was symbolic. She was supposed to be given away by a person dear to her to someone she loved more than life itself and couldn’t imagine living without, but instead, she was given away by a traitor to a person that disgusted her and wouldn’t stop plotting his murder until the deed was done.
Mr. Remington kept a book in one hand, while with the other he gestured widely as he spoke, his voice carrying the words and filling the grand hall.
“Dearly Beloved, we have gathered here in the presence of God to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men. It’s not to be entered into lightly, but discreetly and solemnly. Before we continue, if any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
Sienna’s head turned, looking over the guests as she desperately tried to find someone who would speak up and save her. The silence stretched and when no one said anything, Mr. Remington continued with a satisfied smile on his face.
“Marriage is the union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind. It’s intended for their mutual joy and for the help and comfort given on another in prosperity and adversity. But more importantly, it’s a means through which a stable and loving environment may be attained.”
Sienna blinked rapidly, refusing to let the tears fall. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of breaking her. They would never get to control her. One day, they would slip, and she’d be there, ready to slit their throats and bathe in their blood, washing herself of all the dirt they were throwing onto her now.
“Through marriage, Kyle and Sienna make a commitment together to face their disappointments, embrace their dreams, realize their hopes, and accept each other’s failures. Kyle and Sienna will promise one another to aspire to these ideals throughout their lives together, through mutual understanding, openness, and sensitivity to each other.”
Sienna could’ve sworn that Kyle stood taller with every word, his spine straight and his back proud. He was gaining everything while she was losing it all. She fought to regain her freedom ever since the Ryder Massacre and now that she finally got it, it was being taken away from her again in the worst possible way.
“We are here today because marriage is one of the most sacred wishes and to witness the joining in marriage of Kyle and Sienna. This occasion marks the celebration of love and commitment with which this man and this woman begin their life together. And now, through me, they will be joined together in one of the holiest bonds.”
A part of Sienna hated him even more for forcing her to go through the whole ceremony instead of simply jumping to the important part, but when they reached that part, she wished for more time, more words, more hope.
Mr. Remington turned to Kyle. “Do you Kyle Remington take Sienna Ryder to be your wife, to live together, to love her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” Kyle replied, his voice loud and unwavering, then leaned forward and signed his name on a marriage certificate.
Sienna bit her lip to keep herself from crying out when Mr. Remington turned to her with a winning smile that reached his eyes.
“Do you Sienna Ryder take Kyle Remington to be your husband, to live together, to love him, comfort him and keep him in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion for as long as you both shall live?”
Sienna’s mouth went dry. She turned around, searching for any kind of help, but her eyes stopped on the Berti sisters who looked at her pleadingly. A feeling of hopelessness settled over her as she lifted her head to meet Kyle’s eyes. His smirk was overshadowed only by the ruthlessness in his eyes.
Sienna took a deep breath, resigning herself to whatever waited for her next as she whispered the words that would damn her forever.
“I do.”
“Inowpronounceyouman and wife. You may kiss the bride,” Mr. Remington announced.
The cheers erupted in the grand hall as Kyle grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Sienna’s heart sped up as he leaned forward, her stomach churning in disgust when his full lips pressed against hers in a sick and overzealous kiss. When he pulled back, Sienna’s body shook from his touch, yearning to get away, and she had to pause to catch a breath.
He didn’t give her much time before he turned them to the crowd, grasping her hand in his and lifted it above their heads as if celebrating a victory. The Remington clan clapped and whistled, clearly delighted by the outcome and its importance to the war efforts.
Reveling in the attention, he walked them down the middle, pulling her after him. A loud noise interrupted the festivities, sounding like a shot from a gun. Sienna whirled around in time to see Tina holding Brian’s gun and the spreading red stain on Mr. Remington’s chest.
Brian jumped onto her, disarmed her, then slapped her hard enough for her to lose consciousness. Lyle was at his father’s side, putting pressure on his wound, but Sienna could see the blank expression on his face, and she knew it was too late for him. Mr. Remington had died.
Kyle let go of Sienna’s hand and ran to his father with a murderous expression on his face. Tina stirred on the floor, slowly regaining her consciousness. Sienna was caught between the need to run away and the want to help her old friend. The indecision kept her rooted on the spot, watching in silent horror as Brian pulled Tina on her feet to face her furious husband.
Lyle took Brian’s gun from his hand and aimed it at Tina, who never wavered. Sienna could’ve sworn there was defiant relief on her face. Her lips spread into a slow smile, further infuriating Lyle, who screamed and put his gun against her forehead.
A strong pressure from the blast threw Sienna five feet away, causing her body to land awkwardly on the broken chairs, the splinters from it digging themselves into her skin. The high-pitched ringing in her ears made it hard to focus her vision. A fragment of debris from the explosion hit her head, the blood dripping down her forehead and matting her hair, sticking it together. The blast wave took her hearing, but her blurry vision allowed her to take the scene in as her brain worked in slow motion.
The grand hall was in chaos due to the explosion and gunfire. The guests closest to the entrance died immediately from the proximity to the bomb. Tina’s distraction saved Sienna’s life; otherwise, she and Kyle would be at the door in the moment when the bomb went off.
Masked men entered the room in a trained formation, wearing heavy guns and openly shooting them at the Remingtons. Some of them fired back, while the others tried to run away.
Sienna’s body hurt all over, but the adrenaline pumping through her veins filled her with enough strength to help her crawl toward where the Berti sisters were. Elisabet was covering Arlene with her own body, no doubt trying to protect her already wounded sister from further injury.
When Sienna reached them, she grabbed Elisabet’s arm, who jerked up and threw a punch her way. Sienna’s eyes widened, but she was too hurt and dizzy to move. Elisabet realized at the last possible moment it was her and stopped herself before her fist could connect with Sienna’s nose. She started saying something, but Sienna only shook her head and pointed at her ear, hoping that the other woman would understand that she couldn’t hear a thing.