Page 46 of Next in Line

“Oh my God,” Sienna whispered, covering her mouth with her hand. “Did she die?”

Riley shook her head. “Dying would be a mercy. She was badly burned and will bear the marks of it for the rest of her life. Jensen never stopped blaming himself. For a long time, he had nightmares, remembering her screams as she burned alive.”

“Where is she now?”

“She’s a doctor working in a Pediatric Burn Center. She got married and has two kids of her own,” Riley said with a soft voice, the darkness gone from his face. “As far as I know, she and Jensen are on good terms and still in touch.”

“That’s incredible,” Sienna said, her brain unable to process it.

“When Haley woke up from a coma, Jensen promised her he would change. He became a complete opposite of what he was, turning into the Saint Jensen that you know now.”

Sienna leaned back on the sofa, struggling to keep a neutral expression on her face so Jensen wouldn’t be able to see her distress from across the room. She put her hands on her lap to keep them from trembling.

“Do you see now why I need you to look after him?” Riley asked, and she nodded. “He’s been through so much and deserves to be happy more than anyone I know. I know about the Carrington code, but I also know Jensen. Don’t play with him if you’re not ready to commit. He’s not like that.”

“I honestly don’t know what I want, but I promise that I’ll do my best not to hurt him,” Sienna told Riley, who seemed happy enough with her reply.

He held her gaze for a moment longer, then as if he shook it off, a seductive smile appeared on his face, and he took her hand, pulling her on her feet.

“It’s a party. Let’s dance.”


“Whatwasthat?”Jensenasked, storming into Sienna’s room after her. They were both swaying on their feet, drinking more than they should’ve.

“Relax, it was nothing. Just some harmless fun,” Sienna brushed him off.

Jensen’s jaw clenched as he held his anger at bay. “Nothing? You kissed Riley.”

Sienna’s lips curled up into a drunken smile at the blurry memory that only seemed to infuriate him more.

“More than once,” she agreed with a nod. “He’s very skillful with his tongue.”

Jensen ran a hand through his hair, looking like a semi-drunk wreck. “How could you do this to me?” he asked her so quietly that she had to strain her ears to hear.

His senseless accusation was enough to make Sienna’s blood boil as well. She whirled toward him, narrowing her eyes.

“I don’t see how any of this has anything to do with you. You’ve made that clear enough in the past. Besides, isn’t being jealous against the Carrington’s code of honor?”

A flicker of hurt flashed over Jensen’s face and his eyes widened, but he forced himself to nod.

“You’re right,” he said through gritted teeth. “You and I are nothing.”

A pang of guilt stabbed Sienna’s heart when the hurt flashed on Jensen’s face, hitting her more than any physical pain ever could. He reached the door, wanting to leave, but she grabbed his arm to stop him.

“Jensen,” she whispered his name, willing him to turn around. His muscles hardened underneath her touch, and he tilted his head, but didn’t turn. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. Look at me.”

With a sigh, he turned around, locking his dark blue eyes on her. There was a sea of pain in them, undoubtedly being here brought back so many memories. His reluctance to come made sense now.

“You’re a good man, Jensen Carrington,” Sienna told him with the sincerest tone she could muster. She wanted him to believe it as much as she did. “The Carrington clan is lucky to have you next in line. You’ll be a good and just leader. It’ll be my honor to work with you and my pleasure to often see you.”

The corners of his mouth twitched as darkness seemed to leave his face, making him look younger.

“Thank you,” he breathed, then leaned forward until their foreheads were touching.