Page 31 of Next in Line

The tone of her voice didn’t sound like she was open to the idea, but the fact that she asked a question instead of turning them down gave Sienna hope. So far, she believed the meeting to look promising.

Sienna moved forward until she was sitting at the edge of the sofa.

“We’ll make sure that your night clubs will be the go-to spot for all the city’s elite and that the authorities won’t touch you. I’ll use my Lockwood connections to help you spread throughout the whole country, making it clear yours is the only club the Ryders and the Carringtons visit. Whenever some event would be happening, we would use your club. Your place would be our go-to spot for public appearances.”

Tyson and Lara exchanged looks in a way that made Sienna believe she didn’t convince them. Her brained scrambled furiously to come up with something else she could offer them.

“I know you have a lot of influence and power yourself, but I can guarantee you that with the combined power of the Ryders, Lockwoods, and Carringtons, your business would be untouchable, and your holdings would increase tenfold,” Sienna added quickly before they could turn her down. “Whatever you’d need, all you’d have to do was call a number and it would get done.”

Tyson’s eyes glimmered as he took in her words and Sienna cursed herself for giving him such an open offer. The Vangs were nobodies that rose with the help of their unconventional methods. They were flesh blood and new money that always looked for approval and acceptance of the old money, which the Carringtons, Ryders, and Lockwoods represented. Getting the Vangs on their side would give them access to many families, thus pushing their hand onto picking a side, and in the end giving the Carringtons a list of families from which they’d take their possessions and money due to giving their support to the Remingtons.

Sienna had to believe that Mr. Carrington wouldn’t send them all the way to New York City for nothing. The Vangs were important to their plan.

Suddenly, Tyson stood up, his movement mirrored by Lara, then Sienna. Miruna remained lounging on her chair, inspecting her nails, seemingly uninterested in what was happening in front of her.

“We’ll think about it and get back to you,” Tyson said rather abruptly.

“But—” Sienna started but was interrupted by Lara.

“Take a win girl. We didn’t say no,” she told her with a sharp tone, then walked out of the room without another word, followed closely by Tyson.

“It’s also not a yes,” Sienna muttered, believing they were buying themselves time to get more information on both sides, hoping to pick a winning one.

Jaxon entered the room with a frown on his face. “What the hell happened? I just saw Tyson and Lara going to the elevator without even saying goodbye.”

Sienna slumped onto the sofa, too exhausted to reply. She didn’t have the energy to deal with Jaxon right now. It was his fault their mission turned into a mess. He left her all alone, thinking only about fucking the Vang’s daughter.

“Your friend did a good job, but she was at a disadvantage,” Miruna said all of a sudden, calling attention to herself by getting up and actually surprising Sienna by covering herself with a silky bathrobe that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Jaxon’s eyes slid to her and shamelessly lingered on her breasts until she covered them. Sienna rolled her eyes but sat up in interest to hear Miruna’s reasoning. She didn’t think she was paying much attention to what had been said.

“What happened?” Jaxon asked again with a clear voice, finally snapped out of thinking with the other head although Sienna wasn’t sure how long it would last.

“Sienna gave them a good offer,” Miruna acknowledged with a small nod her way, and Sienna realized it might’ve been the first time she directly looked at her.

Miruna’s attention had a hypnotizing effect on her and for the first time, she thought she understood why Jaxon was so transfixed. When Miruna looked away, Sienna found herself wanting to do or say something that would get her to look at her again.

“My parents would never accept the offer on the spot, no matter how incredible it was,” Miruna continued. “They didn’t get so far without spreading their wings into other directions, asking for counteroffers and better solutions.”

“Are you saying they’ll go to the Remingtons?” Sienna asked, snapping out of her weird fixation on Miruna.

The Vangs talking to the Remingtons would be one of the worst things to happen. They weren’t fooling themselves by thinking that the Remingtons weren’t aware of what they were up to, but they did hope they wouldn’t have in-depth information on it.

“They might,” Miruna agreed, then added, “I can get them to accept your offer before that happens.”

Sienna’s eyes narrowed at her, wondering what angle Miruna was playing at. Before she had a chance to reply, Jaxon took two steps forward until he was standing between them.

“What’s your price?” he asked her directly, and for once Sienna was proud that he wasn’t acting like a fool anymore. She said a mental thanks to Miruna for covering her flawless model body, making it possible for them to have a normal conversation.

Miruna’s lips turned up into a smile and Sienna’s heart clenched as she saw the classic tell-tale signs of mischief in her eyes.

“There’s going to be a special party tonight on the top floor. I want you to come,” Miruna said with an innocent enough voice that could’ve fooled them.

“That’s it?” Sienna asked, furrowing her brows. “You want us to come to your party and in return you’ll talk to your parents?”

Miruna’s smile widened as she tilted her head. “I want you to come to my party and participate in some of the activities. In return, I’ll talk to my parents, making sure the support of my family is yours. Do you agree to my terms?”

“We do!” Jaxon accepted before Sienna could reply.