“That they have drugs? Yeah, I saw,” she replied without looking up.
Jaxon shifted, sitting at the edge of his seat. His feet were jumping up and down, the constant movement making her nervous enough to look up at him to tell him to calm down, but she was stopped short when she saw a wide smile on his face.
“Not those. The other parties. The very special parties. Apparently, they’re legendary,” he told her with more enthusiasm than she ever heard before.
She didn’t say anything as she waited for him to continue. He didn’t need much prodding.
“I won’t tell you more because I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I really hope we get invited to one. Their reputation is epic, and no one knows for sure if they’re real or not because you can only hear whispers about them and even that only in certain circles.”
Unimpressed, Sienna rolled her eyes. “I’ve been to a lot of parties in my life, and I can tell you that after you’ve been to a few of them, it’s like you’ve been to all. I doubt I’d be interested.”
Jaxon gave her a sly smile. “I’m willing to bet my right arm that you haven’t been to a party like that, and I can assure you that you’d be very into it.”
“I also heard rumors about those parties,” Brian said, listening to their conversation from the other side of the plane. At Jaxon’s insistence, he got up and joined them.
“What did you hear?” Jaxon asked, then added, “Just don’t say too many details, I want her to be surprised.”
The corners of Brian’s lips turned up into the smallest of smiles that softened his face. His hazel eyes gleamed with mischief.
“I heard that no one leaves unsatisfied,” Brian said carefully, his smile widening as his face mirrored Jaxon’s expression. “I heard that they cater to everyone and that after attending one, you’ll believe that fantasy books are based on real stuff.”
Jaxon tipped his head back and laughed, clapping his hands together in excitement.
“Whatever,” Sienna muttered under her breath, done with the topic. “You two are such idiots.”
Sienna ignored the snickers and hushed exchange of words between Jaxon and Brian. She pretended not to be hurt by being excluded from their little boy’s club. Instead, she focused her attention on the file, trying to memorize everything she could about the Vang family.
Their plane landed on a private lane of JFK’s airport in New York City. A black limousine was waiting for them with a driver who had already been equipped with all the necessary papers that cleared them up with security.
Brian checked out the car first before allowing Sienna and Jaxon to enter while he and the driver shuffled their baggage from the plane to the trunk.
“Are you nervous?” Jaxon asked with a soft voice, his leg touching hers as they sat next to each other.
“I just want this to be over so we can go home,” Sienna replied a bit briskly.
Jaxon didn’t seem offended as he moved closer and put an arm around her shoulders. Sienna’s body froze at the unexpected moment of affection, but she soon leaned into his embrace. She needed to feel human more than she cared to admit.
“It will all be over soon,” he promised and kissed the side of her head. “With every place we travel and every mission we do, we’re one step closer to the end of this nightmare.”
“I know.”
Brian sat next to the driver in the front and pressed the button to lift the panel to separate the front from the back, giving Jaxon and Sienna some semblance of privacy.
“What’s the plan?” Sienna asked, her head resting against his chest.
“I don’t know,” Jaxon admitted. “I suppose we go with the flow and hope for the best.”
Sienna rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. “That’s the worst plan ever.”
“I can think of a few steps we could take if you want. Maybe being proactive would make you feel better about our mission,” Jaxon said, then slowly slipped his hand down her side, caressing her body with every little movement, until he rested it on her hips.
The suggestion of his insinuation laid heavily in the air between them, and his chest even stopped moving as he held his breath, waiting for her answer. She had half a mind not giving him one, curious to see how long he’d hold his breath for, but she didn’t want to torture him. Not yet.
Sienna lifted her head toward Jaxon, only now noticing how close their mouths were. His lips curved up in the smallest of smiles, his blue eyes staring intently at her parted lips. She wanted to tell him that now wasn’t the time for that, but the words got lost as he licked his lips, wetting them for the coming kiss. When his skillful tongue made an appearance, Sienna let out an involuntary whimper, her body reacting to the memories.
Jaxon’s other hand, the one that wasn’t resting on her hip, moved up so he was cupping her cheek. The intimate gesture gave her the simple closeness of the human’s touch she yearned for.
Following her body’s wants, Sienna raised her head just enough to brush her lips against Jaxon’s. He took a sharp breath at Sienna’s charge and waited only a moment before he reacted by pulling her on his lap, his fingers getting tangled into her long dark-brown hair.