Page 68 of Next in Line

Her friend jumped off the sofa and went through the large collection of clothes that Sienna owned, mumbling to herself how there was nothing suitable for the occasion. After discarding the sixth possible outfit, Sienna groaned in frustration.

“Just pick something for fuck’s sake,” Sienna barked, her patience growing thin.

Adrianna turned on her with lightning speed. “Fashion is art. Art cannot be rushed.”

Sienna swallowed and nodded. She sat back on the sofa, resigning herself to wait until Adrianna found something suitable and agreeable. It seemed like forever before Adrianna let out a celebratory cry and pulled out a purple dress, that when put on, it fit through the hips and widened at the hem. Cap sleeves and pleats created a perfect balance between the upper and lower body.

“You look absolutely breathtaking,” Adrianna told her when Sienna stood in front of the mirror. “Let’s do your makeup, and you’re ready.”

“I’m nervous,” Sienna admitted when she sat down.

Adrianna brushed her hair, not bothering to style it and instead, letting it fall in straight lines. “It’s your birthday, girl. Enjoy it. I’m sure Jensen won’t ask you to do anything you don’t want to. As far as I’m concerned, he’s the one that should be nervous. Out of the two of you, you’re the devil incarnate.”

“I’m not!” Sienna argued.

“Yes, you are. He’s the saint, and you’re the devil. A biblical combination,” Adrianna mused.

Sienna rolled her eyes and smiled. “Whatever.”

When Adrianna was done, Sienna texted Brian to come. It didn’t take him long, and she showed him the note. Brian read it and nodded.

“Follow me,” he told her.

Sienna slipped out of the room, making sure that he didn’t see Adrianna. For some reason, she didn’t want him to know she was there. He led her to the garage and opened the car door for her.

“Where are we going?” she asked him when they exited the ex-Ryder’s compound.

“I’m not at liberty to say. It’s supposed to be a surprise,” he replied, then met her eyes in the rearview mirror and gave her a small smile. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

“Thank you,” she said, returning his smile.

The drive took almost an hour, and through that time, Sienna was beginning to worry if it was worth it. She could’ve stayed at home and relaxed after going on all those tour stops. Although, a big part of her was curious what Jensen planned for them to do outside of the compound. Her heart began racing just at the thought of seeing him and spending the afternoon and quite possibly the evening with him.

Brian pulled onto the parking lot of an old and abandoned-looking warehouse. It was far from what Sienna expected, but she trusted Jensen and got out of the car when Brian opened the door for her. He guided her around the building to get to the side entrance.

When they entered, Sienna’s lips curled up into a smile. The inside of the building was richly decorated in white and gold colors. The halls were adorned with flowers, and the path covered with a white rug that showed her the way.

Brian followed at a respectful distance, giving her a chance to explore by herself. When she came to the grand hall, the blood rushed from her face. It took her a while before she managed to collect herself enough to turn around and run, but Brian stood in the way, barring the door.

Sienna was stuck in the room with the Remingtons and their clan.


Mr.Remingtonstoodatthe far end of the grand hall with Kyle and Lyle by his side. Tina cowered behind her husband, refusing to meet her eye. The whole room was surrounded with heavily armed Remington thugs. The center of the room had a bunch of chairs with people unknown to her already sitting on them while expectantly looking at her.

With horror she realized that she walked into a wedding and judging by the setting, she was to be the bride and Kyle her groom. One more time, she turned to the door, not believing her eyes that it was Brian of all people who was preventing her to leave. He wore a smug smile on his face, and she barely held herself back not to claw at him, marking his traitorous ass, making it clear for everyone to see.

“There she is,” Mr. Remington announced to no one in particular, pointing at her. “The bride has arrived. We’ll begin soon.”

The Remington clan cheered and clapped. Brian was one of them, exchanging nods and smiles with other thugs.

“Come closer,” Mr. Remington gestured her forward.

Reluctantly, she did as he asked. It was in her best interest to buy herself a little time to try to get out of the mess she found herself in. Kyle winked at her, then licked his lips, openly insinuating what was in store for her. Sienna focused all her willpower not to gag. She was disgusted with herself for ever being attracted to him enough to use him for sex. He was a sadistic piece of shit, and she wanted nothing to do with his ruthless and aggressive ass. She needed to get away from the Remingtons or they’d be the end of her.

“How is this possible?” she asked, trying to gather information as well as bid time.

Mr. Remington gave her a sweet smile that made her want to puke even more than Kyle’s failed attempts at seduction.