Page 37 of Next in Line

Her latest lovers were gone. Beside the messy bed and the satisfied throbbing of her pussy, there was no other sign of yesterday ever happening. She must’ve been sleeping like a rock because she didn’t hear them leave her side.

Pushing herself off the bed, Sienna convinced her body to walk into the bathroom, then rewarded it with a hot shower. The water soothed invisible aches and relaxed tired, overworked muscles. She leaned her forehead against the cool tiles, allowing the hot water to caress her back.

Her lips curled up in a smile at the memory of last night’s conquests. She was an active woman both in and out of bed, but even she wasn’t with so many different guys in one day nor did she ever do the things she did yesterday. It was a day full of new experiences, from having sex in a public place with a complete stranger whose face she never properly saw because of the dark room, then having a threesome where she took two cocks into her pussy. It was something completely new that left her feeling more alive.

“Whatever happens in New York City, stays in New York City,” Sienna muttered under her breath the twisted saying that was usually associated with Las Vegas.

Her eyes flickered with amusement, and she was more than a little eager to face yesterday’s players. Her mind told her that she should be embarrassed for the way she acted, but instead of humiliation, she was filled with empowerment and strength. It was her body, it was her choice, and she could do anything that the guys were doing. The world was all about equality and she would be the first to uphold it.

Sienna dried herself off and put some clothes on, wanting to leave the room. If everything went according to plan, they would be able to go home today. Her heart nervously skipped a beat at the thought of the Lockwoods returning. She was anxious to talk to them and find out more about who she was and where she came from.

With a slight move of her wrist, she turned the cold knob on the door. The moment it pushed open, she jumped back a step, her heart in her chest racing in fright.

“Apologies, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Brian said, giving her an awkward smile. He stood in front of her door, looking more disheveled than ever. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” Sienna replied, a hand on her chest to calm her speeding heart.

“I was wondering if you’d want to get some breakfast?” Brian asked, then bit his lip in a shy way that was so unlike him.

Sienna held back a groan of frustration for breaking her bodyguard. Her father always told her that there were some lines that shouldn’t be crossed and apparently, Brian was one of them. Her eyes flickered to hers for half a second before darting away, looking in all directions like a lovesick fool. She didn’t need an obsessed puppy on her heels, but she wasn’t in the mood to deal with that mess now.

Without a word, she walked past him and went to the dining room where she assumed the breakfast would be held. To her annoyance, Brian followed close by in a very visible way that was nothing like she was used to from when he disappeared into the shadows. Now he was her shadow, the one that even the light couldn’t make disappear.

Jaxon and Miruna were already seated behind the table, happily chatting about something, when Sienna entered the room. The conversation halted as they looked at her. Miruna gave her a small nod in greeting, while Jaxon’s lips curled up into a smile, his eyes gleaming with mischief. The tips of Sienna’s ears turned red as she met his eyes, remembering the many things they did last night.

“Good morning,” she said, tearing her eyes away from him.

“Good morning,” Miruna echoed with a polite tone, then gestured to the empty place beside her. “Please, sit.”

Sienna did as she asked and filled her cup with coffee, before accepting bread and butter from Jaxon.

“Does your bodyguard want to join us as well?” Miruna asked with a lifted brow, her eyes trained at Brian who shifted uncomfortably on his feet.

“He’s fine,” Jaxon replied, sparing Sienna an answer.

She fought an urge to shoot him a grateful smile as they all ignored Brian leaving the room. Sienna’s eyes met Jaxon’s and the slight furrow of his brow told her everything she needed to know. Jaxon also noticed Brian forgetting his place. One good fuck didn’t make a difference, not when the sun was up, and the play was back on. Sienna was a Ryder, Jaxon was a Carrington, and Brian was a martial arts trainer turned bodyguard. He had no place at their table.

“Did you sleep well?” Miruna asked Sienna, bringing her attention back to the present.

Sienna fought but failed as her lips curved up into a small smile. “Very well, thank you. Remind me to get the information for your mattress supplier. The bed was simply divine.”

Miruna gave her an amused look. “I’m sure it was.”

Sienna took a sip of her coffee, trying to disguise the raising redness on her face. Lucky for her, Miruna wasn’t as bad as she first thought and wasn’t interested in torturing her.

“I want to thank you both for staying another night and coming to the party. It was one of the best ones to this date and I hope you enjoyed it too,” Miruna said, her words carrying double meaning, but not a hint of meanness. “Are you sure I can’t interest you in staying another night?”

Jaxon opened his mouth, but Sienna hurried to reply before he could. Knowing how much fun he had the night before, she didn’t want him to say the wrong thing. Time wasn’t on their side, no matter how far away the war might seem.

“It was a lot of fun, but I’m afraid we have a lot of work to do,” Sienna said, then added, surprising herself by actually meaning it, “Once things calm down, I wouldn’t mind attending another of your parties.”

Jaxon tilted his head, giving her an amused look with a ghost of a smile on his lips. When Miruna leaned closer to her, Sienna found herself far from as repulsed as she was when she first met her. Somehow, she came to respect the veiled entrepreneur in Miruna, understanding well the need to hide your brain by exposing more of your body. People tended to relax more and expose more secrets if they thought she was nothing but a piece of meat, a beauty on their arm. Sienna could learn something from her.

“Consider yourself my special guest whenever you want to come. The invitation is open and without an expiration date,” Miruna said with a soft voice and a look implying things Sienna wasn’t ready to think yet. She seemed to be over Jaxon and paid more attention to her now. Maybe if they were to stay another night, Miruna’s focus would shift onto her…

“We appreciate your kindness,” Sienna said with a slight bow of her head, then met Miruna’s eyes, trying to communicate the seriousness of the situation. “I hope we can count on you to keep your part of the agreement.”

Miruna nodded. “Consider my family to be on your side. We’ll do whatever we can to support your cause. I’m sure that all of our families will prosper in the new world.”