Page 10 of Next in Line

Sienna closed her eyes and not only wished for their mission to go well, but also that she and Aiden would find enough time to finish what they started. It was like she was left with an itch that only he could scratch.

Aiden stretched his legs, so his feet touched hers. She turned her head toward him and saw him watching her in a way that told her that his beautiful grey eyes didn’t miss a thing. He wasn’t happy about the interruption either. She bit her lower lip, making a mental note to take his shirt off next time. She wanted to touch his body and lick his abs.

Her eyes traveled from his eyes down his body, cursing in her mind that she couldn’t see through his suit, then to his pants, where she could picture quite vividly what was hiding there. When she looked up into his eyes again, the strength of emotion in them startled her and caused her to turn away, pretending that she wanted to see out the window how they were approaching the ground.

Her mind reminded her of the dangerous words he said when he was fucking her.

“You’re mine.”


TheFriedmanssentthecar with their personal driver to pick them up and bring them to their holiday house.

Brian’s eyes were alert and Sienna could’ve sworn that he took in everything around them. He seemed aware of every little movement she made, even when she went to walk to the car, he immediately noticed it despite being occupied with their bags and told her to stay either by Aiden’s or his side. Hoping that Aiden didn’t hear him when he said that Sienna went to Brian. She didn’t want to deal with Aiden’s possessive proclamation right now.

Aiden went to talk to the driver while Sienna waited for Brian to unload their bags and put them in the car. The driver seemed to pass Aiden’s interrogation, and soon after they were all in the car and on their way to the Friedman’s house.

Sienna was seated between the two guys, feeling both of their legs touching hers as theirs spread over their seats in a way that only men were capable of. The closed space was suffocating, and the air seemed heavy with tension.

The car stopped in front of a newly renovated Victorian building. Five people waited for them on the porch and Sienna recognized both Friedmans and Yvonne. The other two women weren’t hard to place because they were wearing a servant’s uniform.

The driver got out of the car to open the door, but Brian and Aiden didn’t wait for him, even though Sienna considered it rude of them. In turn, she took the driver’s hand with a kind smile and stepped next to Aiden. Brian kept a respectful distance from them, understanding he wasn’t one of them. The servant took their bags and brought them inside.

Sienna and Aiden approached the Friedmans. It wasn’t hard to distinguish them even though they both wore a tacky pastel suit with brown edging. The suits looked like a crime to a society and should be burned before they could blind anyone. Sienna walked in front of Aiden and reached their hosts first.

Angelo was small and round, with a chubby face and bald spots on his receding hairline. Sienna fought back a shudder when he grabbed her hand and kissed it, leaving the disgusting wet mark where his lips touched. She resisted the urge to wipe it against her dress.

“Welcome to our humble home,” Angelo said with a big smile and gave her a sleazy look. His eyes stopped on certain parts of her body uncomfortably too long.

“Thank you, Mr. Friedman,” Aiden said, getting his attention and giving Sienna a chance to move forward.

Willie was the taller of the two of them and his body was skin and bones thin. As if to tease his cousin, Willie had long greying hair, pulled back in a ponytail like the English used to have in medieval times. He was a head taller than Sienna, despite wearing sky-high heels. When she reluctantly stepped forward to offer him her hand, a woman at his side made a disapproving sound. Sienna pulled back and tilted her head in apology at the woman who nodded in satisfaction.

Despite being married to someone else, Yvonne Rees clung to Willie’s arm. Sienna resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her clinginess and made a mental not to shoot herself if she’d ever become a jealous person. Yvonne was glued to Willie’s side and didn’t let anyone close to him, not even Aiden.

“Mr. Friedman,” Sienna greeted from a respectful distance, then nodded at Yvonne, “Mrs. Rees.”

Willie looked down at Sienna as she was inferior to him and smirked. He didn’t say a word and looked at his cousin instead. Sienna’s blood boiled in a silent dismissal, but then she noticed Yvonne’s grip on Willie’s arm tightening, and he turned his attention back to Sienna and gave her the smallest of nods.

Sienna and Yvonne exchanged a look that told her everything she needed to know. Willie was a puppet and in the grand scheme of things, Sienna had to convince Yvonne and Angelo to take their side.

Aiden stood behind Sienna, his presence giving her strength to enter the wolf’s den. They weren’t sure if the Remingtons had been to the Friedmans first, but it was a risk that they needed to take.

Angelo led them inside with a proud step and Sienna’s eyes would’ve fallen out of their socket if that was possible. The decoration of the house smelled more fresh money than the old one, which could only mean that Yvonne did the renovations. Old money had more taste and preferred to show their riches in subtle way, while new money loved showcasing their luxurious lifestyle. It reminded her of the way the Carrington heirs decorated their suite in gold colors, but theirs was done in a tasteful parody, while here Sienna wanted to puke.

“Isn’t it lovely?” Yvonne asked, stepping forward and looking at the gigantic golden ceiling lamp and tiger rugs with pride in her eyes.

Sienna was too shocked to answer, but Aiden saved the day as he gave a little bow. “You have an amazing taste, Mrs. Rees, but the house isn’t nearly as beautiful as you are.”

Yvonne’s eyes lit up and her smile turned brighter. For the first time since they’ve arrived, she let go of Willie and moved closer to Aiden. Sienna couldn’t blame her because Aiden was a better catch than Willie, but she also didn’t like the way her eyes locked on him as if she planned on sucking his soul out.

Aiden kept a small but mysterious smile on his face that Sienna loved, but this time it was directed at another woman. His eyes were on Yvonne, who was gazing into them as if transfixed. Sienna knew what it was like to be the recipient of the brewing grey storm.

Angelo clapped excitedly, completely oblivious to the tension exchanged between Aiden and Yvonne, but Willie wasn’t. His face was dark, and his expression of superiority turned into a frown. He didn’t look happy with Aiden complimenting his woman. Sienna made a note to tell Aiden about it, because they couldn’t risk Willie growing a pair of balls all of a sudden.

A servant showed up, responding to Angelo’s clap. She bowed in front of him and waited for instructions while being careful not to look anyone in the eye.

“We prepared some of our best rooms for you and I’m sure you’d like to freshen up before dinner,” Angelo said to Aiden, then looked at the servant. “Show our guests to their rooms.”