Page 36 of Joint Custody

“Yeah?” His voice shook as he pressed his hands into my ribs, tipping on his toes so that he could angle his dick directly over me. He plunged down, causing my body to jerk and dance. He no longer just crashed against the pleasure fortress within me, instead he was causing an eruption. I could feel the liquid in my body rumbling up to the surface as we gasped, leaning over me so that I could feel the weight of his body against my chest and belly. “Tell me how much you like it,” he groaned, clutching my head as he grinded himself even farther inside me so I could feel his pelvis knocking against my pelvic bone.

“I . . . fuck . . . I . . . love it . . . oh my goodness, I fucking . . .” I panted, my voice rising further and further in pitch. My eyes squeezed shut as I felt myself approaching the ultimate explosion.

He gripped my hair and pressed my forehead against his. “Look at me when you come,” he said, staring into my eyes as I fought to keep them open, staring into the darkness of his before he let out a feral groan, kissing me with such fervency, I began to scream into his mouth, when suddenly I felt his hand pressed against my lips, silencing me. Oh, damn! My eyes rolled back inside my head. I began to meet his thrusts only to have him pull himself out of me as I shook, crying, “No! Please, come back.”

His hand gripped my jaw again, and I squeezed my legs together, rotating my hips to hold the pleasure captive, reaching for him, needing him to fill me again, convulsing from the confusion of his sudden leave.

“Shit! Shit! Fuck!” he shuddered, gripping the desk and looking around the room like a maniac as I stared at him in bewilderment.

Soon, my clothes were thrust at my body. “Get dressed,” he said. “Your brother is coming.”

“What?” My voice shook because that was the last thing I wanted to hear when I was still craving the stretch from Anthony’s gorgeous member.

He must have seen the look of absolute loss on my face. He hurried forward with his clothes bundled against his body, holding me by the back of the neck and kissing me so that I trembled.

“I promise, we’ll finish up another time, in private,” he groaned as his eyes swept over my body, licking his lips in temptation and disappointment, filling me with desperation to have him jammed inside me again.

“Promise?” I asked as he nodded, and I heard Chris’s voice coming toward us. That got me flying up off of that desk and into my clothes as soon as I could before I heard the rumble of Mario’s laugh, the silkiness of his voice. Oh. Shit.

“Do something to your hair,” Anthony whispered, panic in his eyes as we were rushing to pick the papers up off the floor and put them in some sort of an organized pile. “You look like you’ve just been fucked or been through war,” he said, and my labia vibrated as I began to run my hand over my hair as fast as I could, trying to locate my hair tie, feeling like any moment now my life was just going to come crashing down at my feet.

“Me? You look like you’ve just been electrocuted,” I threw back at him before he laughed in surprise without looking at me, his hands moving to steady the papers and finish buckling his pants.

“I mean, I kind of was.” He shrugged, searching his office before grabbing a bottle of water and wetting his fingers. He ran it through his hair. “Nothing like pussy juice and water to tame these curls and reset them into place,” he teased in a whisper while handing me the bottle.

I blushed and wet my hands as well and ran them through the slight tangles of my straight hair. I didn’t want to be dripping wet when they walked into the office. If it was just Chris, I wouldn’t care as much to be discovered. I mean, I’d be mortified if he caught us in the act, I’d probably just drop dead from that, but I wouldn’t care if he knew about us. It wasn’t his business who I had sex with.

But Mario was with him, and I couldn’t begin to imagine what he would think of me. I didn’t want to lose him even though we’d only known each other a little over twenty-four hours at this point. I still wanted to have the passionate, hot, soul-feeding sex I could have with Mario and this type of rough and rude, mind-blowing sex with Anthony. I still wanted the earth-shattering experience I could have with both of them.

He didn’t have to know about Anthony and me, or at the very least, he didn’t have to find out about it this way. Oh, what was I losing my mind about? It wasn’t like we were committed to each other. How did sex work? Why was I overwhelmed with this sense of guilt and the need to tell him?I had to tell him.I groaned to myself as I shoved my feet into my shoes. I’d tell him, at some point.

Anthony rushed to sit around his desk, clothed, and I followed his cue just in time to turn around at the sound of Chris and Mario opening his office door.

“Figured, since you couldn’t come to the bar, we’d bring the bar to you!” Chris held up a few bottles of alcohol and so did Mario, grinning at me and shrugging. Well, at least he was sober, from the looks of it. Chris had gotten a few drinks in for sure.

As they walked over to us, I could see the questions shooting off in Mario’s head, and I moved forward to take the drinks from him so we could talk.

“What are you doing in Anthony’s office?” he whispered, looking between Anthony and me as if he was beginning to connect the dots.

I chickened out. Now was not the time to tell him. I broke eye contact to find Chris listening in on our conversation. I cleared my throat, tucking my hair behind my ear. “He was just helping me complete this tower of work Jared piled on to me at the last minute.” I gestured to the disorganized files I hoped they didn’t open to read and check. “Thanks to him, I’m almost done. I’ll have it ready for Jared in the morning as he requested.” I rushed to speak in case they also offered to help me. I couldn’t have that.

“He wanted you to complete all that by the morning?!” Chris gasped. “What an asshole!”

I laughed in relief. “Such an asshole,” I agreed just in time to hear Jared’s voice startling the shit out of me. I was beginning to grow far too comfortable with cussing, I realized.

But it was fun.

“So that’s what we’re doing now, Chris? Badmouthing me behind my back?” Jared grinned, and I turned away from his pearly whites.

Okay, great. Earlier, I lost my cool with him and almost said something rather inappropriate during our argument but now he happened to walk in on me calling him an asshole. Great. I mean, at this point, he’d have reasonable grounds to fire me on. The stakes were higher now as an employee. It wasn’t just him who would have something to lose as I baited him earlier. It wasn’t just the quality of my work that could affect my employment here, it was also the quality of my conduct.

Whatever, it was a private conversation that he walked in on this time. It wasn’t like I was screaming at him, calling him an asshole to his face. So I should be safe on that front. He shouldn’t be walking in on private conversations.

Him and Chris hugged for a bit, having a quiet chat together as if they were catching up before Jared pulled up a seat and sat down. Whoa there, what was he doing? I thought my brother and Mario were here to see me. Who invited him?

Well, duh. Of course my brother did, but why would he come when we couldn’t stand each other? I thought he couldn’t bear to be in the same room with me, as I did him. I rolled my eyes. Guessed he couldn’t resist my brother’s invite, and we both had to just deal with the other’s presence.

I turned my snarling gaze away from Jared to find Mario’s eyes burning into my skin, and when our eyes met, he smiled, winking at me, thinking that our secret was the only one in the room. Oh, I couldn’t bear to keep looking at him, knowing he didn’t know the truth. I turned my eyes away in guilt. I knew he wasn’t my boyfriend but that wasn’t the point. I cared about him, and he deserved to know that the woman he was fucking was also fucking his best friend because I was looking forward to finishing up what Anthony and I started. I just hoped it didn’t make him want me less or cause any drama.