Page 47 of Joint Custody

I swore to myself, unbuckling my pants, unsure if this was proper behavior, but fuck, she wasn’t asking me to leave. It was kind of odd being turned on by watching my best friend fuck the girl I also wanted to fuck, so well she was red and plump, hanging on to him, begging him for more. She licked her lips as my hand stilled on my boxers. It felt strange to just start touching myself without my best friend’s knowledge, but man, I wanted to. I was about to clear my throat or say something just to get his attention when she shuddered against him, crying my name.

He paused, looking at her before saying “Tiff?” in such a tone of pity I felt sorry for him. As her body stopped shaking, she tapped him on his shoulder and pointed at me.

He jumped in shock, still holding her against him as he cursed under his breath. “Enjoying the show, asswipe? Are you just going to stand there?” he barked.

I felt actual shame but managed to shrug it off. “You’re her lover?” I asked.

He pulled himself out of her and she groaned. “Guys, calm down,” she said before turning to Mario. “I thought you said you were okay with this.” She rested her hand against his shoulder.

“You knew?” I looked at him in shock. “That’s why you were so bothered by the underwear.”

“Anthony, if you don’t mind, could you give us a second?” she asked, stroking his shoulder in a way that was so tender, I felt like I was intruding on a moment with a couple and I was the outsider.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll just leave,” I said, buckling my pants and turning to walk away.

“No, wait! Stay,” she said.

Both Mario and I stilled and stared at her in confusion before Mario asked in shock, “Wait? So you want me to leave?”

She shook her head quickly, grabbing his face and turning it to her. “Don’t you dare go anywhere without making me finish like you promised,” she said.

He licked his lips staring down at her nakedness before pulling away from her attempted kiss. “Well, you won’t have any problems finishing now, Anthony’s here,” he said, walking away.

“Mario, stop, please. I don’t want either of you to leave,” she said, looking at us both.

Mario paused and turned to face her in frustration. “What is it that you want, Tiffany?” he asked.

Her eyes lingered on his body, dropping to his dick which he was hiding from me. She turned her gaze upon me, making no efforts to cover herself as her voice shook. “I . . . um . . . I think I want you both,” she said.

Mario and I turned to look at each other with wide eyes before turning back to her and asking her in unison. “What? Now?”

She nodded. “Are you sure?” Mario asked, lowering his voice to say “You just lost your virginity a couple nights ago. Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?”

“I guess I’m ambitious. Besides, you mentored me through my first time, I trust you to mentor me through this too,” she said. “I trust you both.” She turned to look at me with those glassy eyes as I took note of the fact that Mario took her virginity on the night of the party. Well, hell, I never saw that coming. Mario Fucking Sharpe was a surprising fucker. That explained their tenderness toward each other, and it explained that whole blow-job moment. Sheesh.

“Mario’s right. You’ve got to be sure about this,” I said to her.

“I’m so sure, and if one of you don’t start fucking me right now, I’m going to lose my mind. I might need a few minutes to help myself out if I have to, although I really hope I don’t have to,” she said, and I groaned.

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered as my dick hardened. I turned to look at Mario to see if he was up to doing what she proposed, or if I was going to have to ask him to leave soon.

He looked at her again as if confirming with her once more before nodding at me and shrugging with a smile. We both started walking toward her.

Her eyes lit up and her lips turned up into a smile as she reached for Mario who was already naked. He moved to kiss her, and I hurried to get out of my clothes. This was better than any rendezvous I’d hoped to have with her. I couldn’t believe my luck as I kicked my fucking dangling pants off my ankles.

Mario dropped to his knees and buried his mouth between her legs, drinking from her like she was sweet nectar, and the muscle memory of my tongue recalled the taste and feel of her. She bit down on her bottom lip, moving her body against his mouth, and I moaned, pulling down my boxers. My dick slapped against my stomach, staring up into my face as I made my way over to her, forcing my shirt from my body. I groaned when my lips touched hers.

She panted into my mouth against the pleasure Mario was pulling from her body, her moans were being muffled by our kisses and the feeling of her breath against my face gripped my fucking balls so hard, I thought they were going to start ripping from how full they’d become. I reached for her hand and placed it against my tender dick, shuddering as her hand closed around it.

“Fuck,” she whispered as she gripped it. I pulled her tongue into my mouth, sucking on it as she pumped my dick into her hand, drawing pants from me. I released her tongue and lips so I could catch my breath, just to hear her scream “Yes!! Mario! Please, yes!”

She let go of my dick and grabbed onto his head, shaking as he was relentless with her. The pure look of pleasure racking her body made my hips rock. I wanted to increase the sensation for her as much as I needed to feel her body in my mouth, dropping my lips to her nipples, sucking on them as Mario kept sucking on her clit. “Oh, yes, yes, yes, oh, my, oh my, oh, fuuuuck,” she said. “I’m going to come again.” She groaned, squirming and convulsing.

Mario stood up and wiped his mouth before bending her over so her ass was facing him. “Come here,” he said, pressing himself up against her as she begged him to enter her.

I reached forward to caress her face before kneeling to give her a kiss. “I’d like to feel myself in your mouth,” I whispered.

“Uh!” she moaned as Mario thrust himself deep within her. She sobbed in ecstasy. “Fill my mouth.” She nodded.