“You can have more than one sandwich,” he said, lifting a brow at the monstrosity that she held in both hands.
She took a bite and then spoke with her mouth full. “Whatever, Dixie.”
At least that’s what he thought she said.
“So, what’s your story?”
She chewed, thankfully, although her mouth was open half the time. But he supposed this wasn’t the time to insist on proper table manners. Not that he really cared, since he didn’t. It was just that it had been drummed into him, and he assumed that they’d been drummed into everyone else in the world as well, but this kid didn’t have any.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she said.
“So you were snooping around here, trying to find food. Is your family too poor to buy any?”
“No. Everyone could buy food.” She rolled her eyes.
He didn’t say anything else, unsure as to what her story could really be. He didn’t really need to know. Although, if she was homeless, he should probably report her. She fought so hard, seemed so independent, even though she was so young. Maybe, he could deal with her without getting the full story.
“You want a job?”
“I don’t do drugs. I’m not doing...other stuff.”
“Oh. Other stuff?” He was pretty sure he knew what she meant, and that thought hadn’t crossed his mind. Not with the skinny little girl that she was.
“I’m not taking my clothes off.” She glared at him, her eyes narrow, angry.
It made him a little angry, that she’d even have to say that. Not angry at her, angry at whatever happened to her that would make her think that that would be what he would want.
“I just know where there might be a job. Thought you might want to work and earn your keep.”
“I’m not doing your dirty work for you, Dixie. Rich Boy.”
“Do you like horses?” Most girls did. He figured she probably would as well.
She lifted her shoulder, but he didn’t miss the look of interest in her eyes. She took another bite of the sandwich, still acting like she’d been famished and hadn’t eaten for a week.
“I guess they’re okay,” she said with her mouth full.
“We don’t have to have this conversation before you swallow.”
“You want me to eat, or do you want me to talk?”
“Eat first, then we’ll talk.” She finished that sandwich, and he didn’t say anything until she started making a second one. He had no idea where she was going to put it, the first sandwich had been every bit as big as her stomach and then some.
“At the party that I had to go to yesterday, I overheard some people talking about a horse rental facility that was opening up.”
“Well, the people who are running it have a kid in the hospital, and neighbors have been helping them. I bet, if you go down there and talk to one of them, they’ll hire you.”
“I’m too young.”
“How about if I go down with you.” He was pretty sure he could sweet-talk them into giving her a job. “I’d have to say you were my sister.”
“That’s lying. I don’t do that kind of crap.”
Okay. That was interesting. Certainly unexpected.
She was eating again, so he had some time to think. His arm was burning, and his eyes fell on that. The teeth marks had swollen into a deep purple color.