Page 82 of The Amazing Date

My muse is a constant now. It fuels a joy in my fingers that has been missing for too long.

“I’m the luckiest girl on earth,” Rylee chimes. “My bestie is finally coming to New York, even if it’s for law school and she insists on staying uptown near the campus. I don’t care. I’ve just missed you like crazy.” Rylee bumps shoulders with Gabby, who giggles like a schoolkid. I haven’t seen her this happy since her college days, and it warms my heart.

“And,” Rylee continues, leaning forward. I take her closeness to lean in and steal a lick from her cone. The rush of sugar makes me giddy. “My boyfriend is moving to New York.”

“Yeah, I promised Papi I’d keep an eye on Gabby,” I joke as Gabby punches my shoulder playfully.

Gabby’s index finger swipes across her ice cream, and she dots the tip of my nose with it. I don’t resist as she hasn’t stopped beaming since she’s arrived. “And it had nothing to do with being close to my bestie and your girlfriend?”

Rylee leans over and plants a kiss on my lips. “Gabby, can you talk to your brother again about moving in with me? It only makes sense. New York is an expensive city.”

I don’t have to look at Gabby. She knows me too well. I’ve been falling for Rylee for years. The last five days may have sent both of us into a free fall, the word “love” on the tips of both our tongues, but it’s too early to move in together. Both of our lives are going through incredible changes right now.

“Rylee, I know my brother. He can be as stubborn as a mule, but at the end of the day, his heart always leads him to his happiness. Give him a moment.”

I couldn’t have said it any better. Without the stubborn as a mule comment. “I love you, gals.” The heartfelt words slip out without thought.

“Told you.” Gabby nudges Rylee.

“We love you too, Roberto,” the girls singsong in response. Gabby steps to the railing of the pier, licking her cone, and stares out at the water. My gaze locks with Rylee, her upper lip twitching slightly, her eyes misting with emotion.

She mouths the words I love you to me, and heat fills my chest. Time slows down, and I remind myself not to overanalyze life. Not to overthink. To stay in the moment and go with my impulse. It is my true path toward happiness.

I return the words in a whisper. “I love you too.”

A single tear rolls down her face, and I lean into her to kiss it away.

“It’s going to be a beautiful sunset,” Gabby says, staring across at the Empire State Building.

She’s right. She always is. It’s the end of the day, and my heart has led me once again to happiness. It’s a force I can’t fight, and why should I? My lips land on the shell of Rylee’s ear, and I whisper, “Let’s not wait. Let’s move in together.”

Rylee nods her head in the crook of my neck, and I hear the happy sniffle. Five days. My entire life has flipped upside down in the span of five days. I can’t wait for what the next five days, five months, five years, five decades will bring. Life with Rylee feels like one roller-coaster date—the most amazing of dates.


One month later

Is there any better place in the world? My hand floats above my sketchbook, and I pause to appreciate this moment.

Gabby lies in front of me on a blanket, legs extended, propped up on her elbows. Her blue-and-white sundress is the perfect contrast to the black-and-gold sunflowers behind her. We are at the gardens in Caguas, Puerto Rico, an impulsive decision made last night after clocking out for the three day Labor Day weekend.

Gabby starts law school in three days. After this weekend, our schedules will become more challenging. She flips her head back, chin to sky, and closes her eyes. A warm breeze captures the ends of her long black hair, and she threads her fingers through it. She is the picture of contentment.

The last month has been magical. Having my sister in the same city is a true treat. And Mom and Dad are over the moon.

“I’m back.” The bubbly words from Rylee announce her return. She’s wearing a matching sundress with pink and yellow flowers. She kicks off her sandals and plops down next to Gabby. Rylee pokes Gabby in her side, and the girls fall into a fit of giggles. “Make room.” Rylee flips onto her back and aligns her elbows with Gabby’s, mirroring her position. Her electric eyes flip in my direction, and a flirtatious smirk crosses her face. “How’s that?”

I lower my sketchbook to my lap and nod. Over the last month, I’ve completed over a dozen sketches, eight of which Mr. Moreno has deemed gallery-worthy. He’s challenged me to come up with one final piece that speaks to my heart and soul. One that is distinctively me yet will capture the heart of even a casual art collector.

This is it. This will be my heart on the page. The two women I love, the two muses who have shaped my entire life. My past, present, and future all captured on charcoal to live forever.

“Did you forget something?” Gabby probes Rylee.

Rylee reaches back and grabs the plastic bag she was holding a second ago. “Here you go.” She tosses the bag, and I catch it.

I unravel the plastic and pull out the portable battery pack and connect it to my phone. A small white lightning bolt lights at the top of the screen. “We are back in business.” I flip the switch on my portable Beats speaker and resume the music that was playing when the phone died.

“Oh, guys, I had another brilliant idea when I went to grab the battery pack.” Rylee’s voice fills with mischief. “And if it works out, our next trip to Puerto Rico will be on me.”