Page 77 of The Amazing Date

Roberto steps through the doorway, a pink towel wrapped low on his hips. His hair is still wet, clinging to his forehead. His defined six-pack is on full display. Seeing him in my apartment in a towel I bought brings me such joy. “This is the part of the amazing date where I invite you back to my place and…” I flip back the bedspread cover, flashing him my naked body.

The look on his face is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen; my impulsive action being rewarded in the best possible way. The look of desire and need on his face will be permanently etched in my memory. I place a mental bookmark and make room for the next memory as Roberto drops his towel and stands at the edge of the bed, providing me a full view of something I’ve wanted for what seems like forever.

“I don’t want this date to ever end, Rylee. Please know you are wanted. Needed. Desired. After tonight, let’s discuss all of our tomorrows.”

His words hit me square in the chest. Words I’ve needed to hear. Words I’ve searched a lifetime for. Emotions well up in my throat, and I’m unable to enunciate my feelings, so I let a single tear and nod speak for me.

Roberto slips under the cover next to me, and I scoot in his direction. My body operates on autopilot, a need to be next to him, to feel his skin against mine, overwhelming. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, and the familiar scent of my bath soap and conditioner provide me a sense of familiarity. A soft hand frames my face, and his intense gaze stops my heart. Butterflies swarm uncontrollably in my stomach as he kisses away the single tear on my face.

I purse my lips, about to speak when he lays a soft kiss on them. The significance of this moment weighs heavy on my chest. When he opens his mouth, I prepare for something with the emotional density of an ocean liner, afraid I will crumble.

This isn’t some random hookup where I will be kicked to the curb before the sun rises. This is Roberto, the man who has changed my world. The man I’ve pinned my hopes and dreams on. The man I’ve been falling for four years.

He juts his head back toward the doorway. “We’re going to have to discuss getting some blue towels.”

His words surprise me in the best way. His laugher relaxes me, lets me know we’re going to be all right.

He is in my home, in my bed, has seen me at my best, at my worst, and still wants me. I take his right hand in mine and twist it to kiss the scar. I want him to know I see all of him. That I want all of him.

“There’s a Bed Bath & Beyond on Twenty-Third Street,” I joke and lean up for a kiss. His lips open, and we become one. It’s an amazing kiss from an amazing man on an amazing night.

And the best part is that it’s just the start of our celebration.

* * *

“And you promise not to get lost on the subway,” I tease Roberto, who is wearing race shorts and a clean T-shirt from his backpack. It’s ten thirty in the morning. We’ve had coffee and bagels from my favorite neighborhood shop, and although I’m fine with him strutting around in his tight racing shorts and T-shirts the next few days, he’s determined to pick up a few items of clothing.

Over breakfast he informed me Gabby is on her way and will be in NYC this afternoon. The minute Roberto leaves, I’m going to buzz my recruiter contact to press him, hoping he can pull a few leads while she’s in town the next few days.

Also, with Roberto out for a few hours, I decide to make an impulsive, career-limiting move.

I hand him the spare keys to my apartment. “I’m going to swing by the office. I won’t be long and should be back before you, but just in case.”

He slips the keys in his racing belt, kisses me, and disappears down the hall.

Five minutes later, I click off the phone from the recruiter, slip on my travel sandals, pushing my work pumps deep into my bag, and head out the door to my office. I’m all caught up on emails, and my office contact informed me Sylvie from the Claire Ballet Company is meeting with Kira in the office this morning at eleven.

It’s a beautiful summer day, and normally I would walk to the office, but I hop on the 6 train, not having the luxury for a slow walk. I arrive at KLC Digital Media right at eleven.

Surprise registers on the face of Beth, our receptionist. “Ms. Reynolds, we weren’t expecting you until next week.”

I nod and continue walking through the lobby. “Yeah, I’m still on vacation. Mr. Richardson asked me to swing through and sit in on the presentation to the ballet company. Are they in the Yahoo conference room?”

She begins to stand, and I raise a palm, halting her progress. She nods and looks down at her clipboard. “They arrived a few minutes ago.”

I wave and continue down the hall. I keep my eyes glued to the floor, passing through the bullpen filled with cubicles, hoping to avoid eye contact and conversation. Hurried feet pound behind me, and I expect to hear Kira’s voice telling me I’m not welcome in the meeting.

“Surprise, surprise. It’s Ms. I Work on my Vacation. I know you didn’t come in during your time off to check on me and the team.” The unique tone to Zion’s voice fills my ear as I stop and turn to face him.

“I trust you, Zion.” My statement halts him in his place, and a skeptical look spreads across his face. “I’m sure whatever you and the team are working on will be great. I look forward to seeing it next week when I return.”

Zion wags a finger at me, glancing quickly over his shoulder. He bites his lower lip for a split second, and I brace for an inappropriate comment. “Somebody got busy on their vacation.” Zion waves his finger like a magician’s wand up and down the length of my body. His assessment of me is not sexual—I’m far from his type—but more a look of disbelief that crosses his face. “This is a good look on you.”

I giggle and must appear like a lovesick puppy. It’s a foreign feeling for me, and I know it’s a strange look for everyone at the office.

“You can tell me all the deets next week, but keep doing whomever you are doing. You’re freaking floating.” He raises his hand, and for some silly reason, I high-five him. “If you aren’t here to check up on me, why the visit?”

The clock is ticking, and I don’t have much time to explain. I tap his elbow and lead him to an empty corner in the hallway. I lower my voice. “I’m about to crash Kira’s meeting with the ballet company. I’m not going to take their decision lying down. I may get fired today.”