I pull her into a side hug and kiss the top of her forehead. “Only if I can stay in the office and count the money. That wasn’t even an hour, and I’m spent. I don’t know how they do this every day.” My gaze finds Juanita, who is checking the orders. I pray we got it right because I can’t imagine repeating this.
Juanita turns toward me with a bright smile and thumbs-up. I mouth, Thank you.
“Yes.” I turn and pull Rylee to my right hip, then tilt and lift her. Her giddy laugh sounds like a salve to my soul. I’ve felt like I’ve contributed for the first time today. Rylee steps to Juanita for the next clue, and I notice Trey and Brooke are merely on their second customer.
“You do the honors,” Rylee states and hands me the clue. I rip it open and am surprised when a credit card falls out. Rylee bends to retrieve it as I read the clue. “Congrats. Your race in Seattle is not done but is on pause. We are making note of your time. Tomorrow morning, please report to the following address at 7:00 a.m., where you will be provided with your next clue. You have been provided a five-hundred-dollar debit Mastercard for your enjoyment the rest of today. These funds are not race funds and can be used for anything you wish. We suggest you enjoy the evening with your partner and celebrate. Wilma.”
I look at Rylee for guidance. She is the one who has studied this competition to the nth degree.
She scratches her scalp. “I don’t know, this has never been done before.” She steps toward the coffee machine and begins adjusting knobs. “What’ll you have?”
“Whoa, you’re actually going to make me coffee?”
She tosses the wet counter rag at me, and I catch it. “Shut up, silly. We can breathe for a bit. Wilma said she was going to do things differently as part of the thirtieth version of the game. I’m sure you appreciate the break.”
I grab one of the iced lemon pound cakes that have been calling me since we entered the store. I place it on a saucer, cut it in half, and hold it up for Rylee. She pauses for a beat, eyes bouncing from the saucer to my hand, half smirk on her face. Rather than take the treat on the saucer, she leans forward, her warm hand resting on my wrist, and directs my hand. She bites into the treat, but her focus remains locked on me. The corners of her eyes squeeze for a second as if she is pondering something wonderful. Her deliberate chew draws my attention to her lips, the flash of her pink tongue challenging me to remain in place. I hold my breath and wait. I already know how I’d like to spend our free time.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking for tonight?” she challenges with a sexy smirk, and I don’t dare tell her the first thing on my mind.
“Haven’t a clue.” I smell the lemon on her breath as she remains inches from my face.
“There is one thing that has been on my mind most of the day.”
“And what is that?”
She hooks her arm, and I slip mine through it. We begin to head to the exit of the Starbucks, the giddy sugar high and the anticipation of what may lie ahead forcing us to skip. This free time is unexpected—not even Rylee saw this coming and couldn’t have planned anything. Maybe the old, impulsive Rylee who took life by the balls will make a reappearance.
That suggestive smirk remains plastered on her face as she twists to gaze at me over her shoulder. “I’ve been waiting all day to get you back to the hotel and under the covers. I know it’s early, but something tells me you won’t object.”
My throat hitches with a large dry gulp, shocked she not only possesses this thought but has verbalized it. The twinkle in her brown eyes demands a response.
“Oh, the sacrifices I’m willing to make for this partnership,” I jest, unhooking my arm and wrapping it around her shoulder, pulling her into a side hug.
Her light giggle floats up into the air of Pioneer Square, the tourists and busy patrons unaware of this unexpected turn. Two days ago, I wanted nothing to do with the woman next to me, just the mention of her name causing a wave of anger and hurt. And now, we’re walking arm in arm, working together, and headed toward a tiny hotel room to celebrate what I had written off ever achieving with her. Not after what we went through so long ago.
I guess the race does have some benefits. At the opening dinner, Wilma told every team there will come a moment where we think we are out of it, done for, but to continue to work together, push through it. The only time it truly over is when partners stop communicating, stop trying.
Rylee squeezes my hand and leads me back to the hotel. I open my eyes wide, not wanting to miss a moment of this. I see her—I see all of her. This is her trying.
Chapter 23
I shouldn’t toy with poor Roberto. I knew the minute I said what I said where his mind would race to, and the fact that he agreed so quickly tells me all I need to know. Somehow, we’ve been able to navigate a way back. Even after all the trouble and hurt I’ve caused him.
“If you don’t tell me where we’re going, I’m going to just drag you back to the hotel,” he pesters me from the back seat of the taxi. After we got back to the hotel, I convinced him to take a much-needed nap. All day he had been dragging, his lack of sleep raising his irritation levels. The only way I convinced him to rest was by promising him a surprise when he woke.
Two hours later, with clear eyes and an improved attitude, he found me at the foot of his bed dressed in a short, pleated navy skirt, knee-high white socks, and a crop top that had him drooling.
The look he gave me in that moment should’ve made me call it a night and walk away with the victory. Instead, I handed him a garment bag with his outfit: a sleek, black pair of dress slacks and a black silk, European-fitted, long-sleeve designer shirt, all compliments of Wilma’s debit card.
While he slept, I called Gabby and got his measurements from his closet. I bounced my plans off her, and she quickly nixed my original idea of dropping in on the Seattle Historical Society to familiarize ourselves with the city. Her exact response was, “You do that, and he may bury your body in the Underground.”
Gabby nixed each of my ideas, especially this one. She said to just have a quiet meal and enjoy the downtime. I can’t. I’m afraid of what quiet time with Roberto may lead to. Every minute we spend together brings me back to those early days on the island. Unravels another layer of bandage from around my heart. Gives me a peek into a future I know doesn’t realistically exist.
My attraction to Roberto is out of control. Hell, it never truly disappeared. No man has ever had this effect on me. I catch myself stealing glances at him when he’s not looking, staring at his peaceful face while he sleeps, taking him by the hand because I need to touch him.
Spending alone time without the distraction of the race scares me. I have no plan for this, and I know he’s struggling as much as I am. This push-pull of flirtation and anger is our unique way of communicating. We want each other yet continue to avoid the largest of the many hurdles standing between us.