
We have practice the very next day after Lily’s heat ends, the four of us arriving early and doing extra drills, trying to make up for lost time.

When everyone else arrives, Cruz stays true to his word and talks to our coach and others in the management positions for the team, letting them know about his shoulder. I don’t go over, I just kinda keep an eye on him.

I’m proud of him, and I know Lawson and Miles are too. Cruz is driven as all hell and stubborn. We’re all stubborn, it’s part of why we like each other, but Cruz is a whole other level when it comes to his commitment to the sport. This is a big deal for him to admit to and step off the ice so he can take care of himself instead of pushing through the pain until he loses the damn arm, and I’m relieved and proud.

There’s not much time for catching up when the rest of our team arrives and we focus on practice, slipping seamlessly back into the flow with our teammates. But afterward, when we’re in the locker room, the others let us know what we missed.

After some good-natured ribbing about what we’ve been up to and why we were away, of course.

Then Jerry pipes up, “The Grizzlies have been doing well, though.”

Cruz’s head shoots up like a wolf scenting blood. “How well?”

“They just beat Vegas, that’s how well,” Jerry says.

Dammit. The Grizzlies usually lose to Vegas, a newer team that’s nonetheless being doing really well the past couple of years. They’re shiny and new, so we don’t really pay them attention. Of course a city like Las Vegas is flashy in the sports team it creates. But the key here is that the Grizzlies have gotten their asses kicked the last few times they went against each other.

The Grizzlies won this time, though. Dammit.

Lawson’s eyes narrow. “Well, if Vegas can’t make good on their opportunity to kick ass, we will. We took care of the Grizzlies last time, we’ll take care of ’em next time too.”

I can see Cruz’s jaw working from here as he clenches and unclenches it. He’s determined not just to win us the Stanley Cup but also to beat the Grizzlies.

I can tell by the glint in his eyes and the way he shoves his equipment into his bag that he’s already regretting telling us about his shoulder. I’m glad he did. I agree with Lily that it’s better he get this taken care of now and maybe miss a few games rather than let it get worse. He could end his whole damn career with a bad injury.

But Cruz is out to win, and he probably doesn’t see it that way.

I nudge him with my shoulder and nod toward the locker room door. “The doc’s waiting for you.”

Cruz sighs roughly, but nods and steps away, leaving his bag with us to go and see the sports medicine doctor.

Everyone watches him go. Lawson shakes his head in frustration. “Guy’s gotta be eating himself alive. I would be.”

“This is what’s best for him,” Miles says, raising his voice a little so that the entire team can hear him.

I nod in agreement. After a moment, I see the others nodding in agreement as well. Good. Cruz is our captain, so that means he needs to set an example for everyone else on the team, and we don’t want anyone to be injured and hiding it.

Obviously Miles, Lawson, and I are going to wait and see what the doctor says. We’re not going anywhere without Cruz and we want to be there the second he gets out.

To our surprise, the rest of the team waits too.

We all do some cooldown workouts, yoga, stretching, that kind of thing. I’m nervous. Of fucking course I’m nervous. But I know this is the right thing to do. I’m just relieved that Cruz is getting it checked out. And I’m touched that the rest of the team cares so much about their captain that they’ll stay to find out the news too.

I know Cruz will be touched. And he deserves this. He’s the leader of our pack for a reason.

Cruz finally walks out. It’s only been about half an hour but it feels like ages. Everyone stops what they’re doing and stands almost at attention, like a pack of wolves.

Cruz stops and blinks when he sees everyone. “Uh, you guys really didn’t have to stay.”

Jerry shrugs and gestures behind him at the others. “Of course we did, Cap.”

Cruz’s shoulders slump and he gives a small, wry smile. “Thanks, guys.” He takes a deep breath. “Good news is, it’s not as bad as I was fearing. We’ve set up a regimen, and I should only have to miss a couple of games.”

“Whoo!” Lawson yells, and everyone else laughs and a few people clap.

“All right, all right, no need to get sappy.” Cruz rolls his eyes, but he’s grinning. “Let’s roll out, you guys have put your days off for me long enough.”