“Good for him, the kid’s been eager for it for a while.”
“Like you,” Lawson points out, grinning at Cruz. “You were just as crazy for it when you were his age. You still are, kinda.”
“I’m glad that you won, but I’m sorry it was so close.” I grimace. I know it’s not my fault, exactly, it’s not like I can control when my heats arrive. I’m probably lucky it didn’t hit immediately after I presented, since I’m an older Omega. “I wish that it could’ve been at a more convenient time.”
Knox shakes his head and takes my hand. “It’s fine. Even if we lost, it would’ve been fine.”
“But you’ve all worked so hard to get where you are in your careers. I know how much this all means to you. I don’t want to be the reason that your team might suffer a setback.”
“Lily.” Miles takes my other hand and squeezes it. “It’s okay. Our team was fine. They’re good guys and good players. You’re our Omega. That means you’re our priority. What Alphas would we be if we didn’t take care of you? Our family is more important than anything else.”
I feel my eyes get damp. It still takes me by such surprise, how invested they are in me, how much they care. “Thank you.”
Cruz clears his throat. “Speaking of missing a few games…”
My heart leaps into my throat. I look over at Cruz. He’s never looked so serious before. Perhaps even a bit nervous. Cruz is full of confidence, a natural leader. I can’t imagine him being truly nervous about anything.
Cruz waits until we’re all looking at him. He looks over at me. “I have to come clean about something.” He takes a deep breath. “I’ve got some kind of shoulder injury. It’s been bothering me for a while. I wasn’t going to say anything, but…”
The corner of his mouth curls up into a fond smile as he looks at me. “Our Omega is pretty damn persistent.”
I can feel my face flushing, but I don’t duck my head down or let myself give over to embarrassment. If I turn into a fainting mess every time they call me their Omega, I’ll never get anything done.
But it does make me swoon just a little, on the inside.
“That she is,” Lawson says.
“You’ve always been damn stubborn, Cruz.” Knox shakes his head. “I’m glad you’re telling us.”
“I’m going to call the team’s physical therapist,” Cruz promises. “We’ll work out a program to take care of my shoulder and heal it, so that I don’t do something worse to it. Even if that means… I have to miss a few games.”
“Your healing is the most important thing,” Miles reminds him, probably sensing in that sensitive way of his that Cruz is struggling with this idea.
Cruz exhales slowly. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”
“We’re here for you,” Lawson chimes in. “We care about you, you’re our pack mate. That’s more important than our captain.”
“And you’re no use to us if you can’t move your arm,” Knox adds.
Cruz snorts in amusement.
I reach out and take his hand. “I’m so proud of you. Really. I’m so glad you’re taking care of yourself.”
I notice the men exchanging looks with one another that I can only describe as… anticipatory. Perhaps, even, mischievous.
“What?” I look between the four of them. “What is it?”
Cruz smiles at me. “We have something to show you.”
He takes me by the hand and the four men lead me out of the kitchen to the garage. Lawson puts his hands over my eyes and Cruz leads me blind. I just have to trust them, and of course I do, but my heart hammers with anticipation over what they’re about to show me.
“Okay,” Miles says. “Open your eyes.”
Lawson’s hands slide off my eyes and I blink them open, then gasp.
“It’s my car!”