“We’re home, beautiful,” he whispers quietly.

I blink, peering up out of the corner of my eye and realizing he’s right. We’re inside the garage at the guys’ house. I don’t know when that happened, but the car is stopped and Knox cuts the engine.

Lawson’s hips pulse against my ass, pressing just a little deeper.

“Do you want us to knot you here?” he asks, his voice rough. “Or do you want to go inside?”

Fuck, that’s a hard question to answer. I crave their knots almost more than air, but… I need to get inside that house. I need to be comfortable, safe, and secure. That’s the only way I’ll be able to fully succumb and let myself get swept up by my heat.

Part of me screams in protest, but I reassure myself that soon, I’ll be able to have their knots whenever I want, as many times as I want. Then I tap against Miles’s hip three times.

Instantly, he releases his hold on my hair, allowing me to lift my head. My voice is a little raspy as I whisper, “I want to go inside.”

“You heard her.” Cruz’s fingers slip away from my clit, and he’s already shoving his door open. “Let’s go.”

Lawson pulls out, and he and Miles help me out of the car. I’m half-dressed and they’re both still hard as steel, pants slung low on their hips, but no one seems to care about that as Lawson scoops me up into his arms.

“I’m too heavy,” I protest weakly as he carries me toward the door that connects the garage to the house.

“Are you fucking kidding?” he snorts, pulling me a little tighter against his body. “You’re perfect.”

Knox opens the door to the house for us, and as soon as we step inside, we’re greeted by an excited bark. Winston races toward us, jumping up on Miles, who hisses out a breath as he tries to keep the dog’s paws away from his bare dick. It’s an almost comical sight, but at the moment, there’s too much churning inside me for me to focus on anything but getting upstairs.

Lawson can clearly sense the urgency because he doesn’t break stride, heading toward the stairs as I hear Cruz say, “I’ll take care of the dog. Winston! Come on, buddy. Let’s get you outside.”

“Can Andrea take him too?” Knox asks, their voices fading behind me a little as Lawson ascends the stairs with me still cradled firmly in his arms. “Just for the next few days. I don’t want to neglect him, and we won’t have much time to take him for walks.”

“Yeah, I’m sure she can.”

As we reach the top of the steps, I look over Lawson’s shoulder to see Miles and Knox coming up behind us. I know Cruz will join them in a second, and I’m already agitated and anxious to see the fourth member of their pack again—even though he’s only been out of my sight for less than a minute.

I whine, burrowing my face against Lawson’s neck as the feeling of discomfort that eased when the men were fucking me starts to build again.

I need…

I just need…

“Here we go, beautiful,” he says in a low voice as he carries me into my room.

The other two Alphas step up behind us, and I glance around the familiar, lived-in space.

Then I promptly burst into tears.

Chapter 26



Worry fills Lawson’s voice, and he adjusts his grip on me, looking from my tear-streaked face to his pack mates with a helpless expression on his face.

“What is it, red?” Miles asks, reaching up to thumb away the fresh tears that leak from my eyes. “What’s wrong. What can we do? Tell us. Anything, whatever you need, we’ll do it.”

“I don’t…” I shake my head, trying to sort through the tangle of emotions inside me. I feel like I could crawl out of my own skin. I’m desperately turned on, agitated, and embarrassed all at once. “I don’t know. It’s just—something’s not right. My nest… it’s all wrong.”

“Dammit.” Miles glances around my room, a line appearing between his dark brows.

I’ve been decorating it and making it my own, my Omega nesting impulse driving me to create the perfect space. But none of us knew that my heat would hit quite so soon or so intensely, and now, as I look around the guest bedroom that’s become my little oasis, all I can see is how unfinished it is. It doesn’t feel like the perfect nest, and that realization sends my emotions spiraling like clothes getting whipped around in a washer.