That’s another thing I’ve read about in my romance novels, and although I’ve never tried it with a guy, I’ve always liked the idea of being tied up.
As I have that thought, the scent of cinnamon rolls, hot cocoa, and ginger filters into my mind, so potent that I might as well actually be scenting Miles. My pulse races as my overactive imagination shifts the fantasy to a new setting… and a new man.
This time, I’m imagining myself and Miles, and just like in some of my favorite romance novels, he ties me to the bed while he does dirty things to me, making me moan and beg for more.
It’s more than I can take. My overstimulated body finally caves to the rising pleasure coursing through my veins, and an orgasm tears through me. I clench my thighs tightly around my hand, burying the vibrator a little deeper as my walls tighten around it. My eyes screw up tight, my jaw clamped down around the noises that try to spill out.
The waves of sensation crest and then slowly start to recede, and I let out a quiet, shuddering breath as I open my eyes.
As I drag in a fresh lungful of air, I freeze.
Freshly baked cinnamon rolls. Hot cocoa. The spice of ginger.
I wasn’t imagining Miles’s scent. I can still smell it, even now that the fantasy has passed, and my gaze darts toward the door. Dim light shines through the tiny crack between the bottom of the door and the floor, interrupted by a shadow. Someone is standing in the hallway, and I have a pretty good feeling it’s Miles.
Oh my god, did he hear me?
Was he passing by my room and heard me moaning?
I slide the toy out of myself and quickly tuck it under the pillow, then scramble to pull my clothes back into place and clamber off the bed. I don’t think the room smells like sex, but maybe that’s just because all I can smell right now is Miles.
I briefly consider just ignoring him or hiding in the closet until he passes by. After all, he hasn’t knocked or anything, so it’s not like I have to answer the door. But somehow, it feels like it will be more of an admission if I don’t, so I pad across the room, struggling to get my breathing under control.
His scent feels like it’s sinking into my skin, and as the door swings open, it immediately gets more intense. I feel like I’m drowning and burning at the same time.
Miles’s gaze locks with mine, and my thoughts stutter to a halt. I’m trapped in his dark eyes, his pupils so large that the black nearly overtakes his irises. I feel like he’s about to devour me, slowly, sensually, and I want him to.
Miles inhales sharply and takes a step back, clearing his throat. “Just wanted to make sure you… didn’t need anything.” His voice is hoarse.
“I’m fine, thanks. It’s thoughtful of you.”
He nods jerkily. “Goodnight, Lily.”
“Goodnight, Miles.”
I close the door then immediately sag against it, shaking with desire. Maybe taking this job and living here was a bad decision… because the sexual frustration of living with these men just might kill me.
Chapter 10
It’s always nice to sleep in on the morning after a game, especially a game where we’ve won and done well.
Honestly, I think I played the best game last night that I have in months. I was so much more focused. I hate to admit it, but I think it’s because of Lily. Knowing that Ben has a live-in nanny, I feel a lot less worried about him, a lot less tense.
And Lily is great with him. She really is. I can tell that he likes her because he wants to scent her and enjoys being picked up by her. Ben’s been clingy since his mom died, and I can’t blame him, but he won’t be that way with just anyone.
He hasn’t done that with any of his babysitters, even though he liked them well enough. But he’ll do it with me and my pack mates, and now he’s doing it with Lily.
It’s like something has settled inside me knowing that Ben is well taken care of by someone that I trust.
I play better at the game than I have in what feels like ages, then when I wake up the next day I feel refreshed. I head down to breakfast immediately, ready to greet everyone. I can’t remember when I felt this focused and also this relaxed.
Everyone’s already in the kitchen, enjoying breakfast, but immediately I can tell that something’s off. Lily’s not teasing with Lawson or chatting with Cruz and Miles. She seems almost shy, actually, focusing only on Ben and not really meeting anyone’s gaze.
Odd. Lily’s been a bright presence for my pack mates. It’s obvious that they’re all drawn to her.
Honestly… I’m drawn to her too. I hate admitting it. I barely know the woman. In fact, I’m not usually drawn to women at all. I’ve been too focused on my career, then Ben came along.