I smile. Maybe the burly goalie will warm to me after all.
Because of Ben, we’re silent as we make our way to the cars and then home. I drive by myself with Ben while they take the car they came over with, and the whole drive back, I try desperately not to have inappropriate thoughts about my bosses.
Unfortunately, I fail big time.
I shake it off when we reach the house, getting Ben out of the car and tucked into bed. He’s dead asleep and doesn’t even stir as I help him out of his shoes and socks and get him into his PJs.
He makes a cutest little face in his sleep as I pull the covers over him, and I lean down and brush his dark curls back from his face. With every passing day, I fall more and more in love with this kid.
Come on. Pull it together, Lily.
I get up and leave the room, closing the door quietly as I mentally chastise myself for getting too attached. Ben isn’t my kid, and this isn’t my pack. I need to—
I freeze. Was that my name?
For a second I have the wild thought that there’s a ghost or something around, but then I strain my ears and I hear it again, very faintly.
It’s barely audible. I should probably dismiss it, but my curiosity gets the better of me.
I follow the sound toward one of the rooms. The door is ajar, and I realize as I enter that this is Cruz’s room. It has to be, with the large framed professional photograph of a mountainous area, and small framed family photos around it on the walls.
There’s Cruz growing up, with his parents and siblings. There’s Cruz on the ice at a pond, in what’s probably his first hockey gear. There’s Cruz about high school age, holding a hockey trophy, equipment on except for his helmet, beaming.
The bathroom door is open, and I can hear running water. He must be in the shower.
“Oh, fuck, yes, Lily.”
I hear it plainly now, and it’s not just my name. Cruz’s voice is thick with lust and desire, and my entire body feels like it was just set on fire. I feel like I can’t even breathe.
Without even meaning to, I take another step forward, and the interior of the bathroom comes into view. The door isn’t open all the way, just a foot and a half maybe, but that’s enough for me to see him.
Through the glass wall of the shower, I can make out his tall, muscular frame. His upper body is lightly tanned, and there’s a line low on his waist where the skin shifts to a slightly lighter color. That’s where he must sling his pants when he goes shirtless, allowing the sun to hit his upper body. Water droplets cascade over the rippling, defined muscles of his shoulders, trailing down the smooth skin of his back and ass.
He’s got his back to me, one arm braced on the shower wall and his head dropped beneath the spray. His other arm moves in a rhythmic motion as he strokes his shaft, his ass flexing as he lets out a soft groan.
The deep, rumbling sound of that groan goes right to my clit, and my entire lower body throbs, my pussy clenching. I bite my lower lip so hard it hurts, but that’s not enough to stop a sound from escaping me—a tiny little noise, halfway between a squeak and whimper.
Cruz freezes.
I do to, sucking in a breath as I go stock still.
Fuck. Oh no. The sound of the shower clearly didn’t block out my noise, or not enough, at least. He heard me.
Slowly, Cruz raises his head. He turns, his large fist still wrapped around himself. The water has turned his chocolate brown hair to an even darker color, slicking it against his head, and little droplets cling to his eyelashes as he blinks at me.
Oh my god.
Holy fucking shit.
I just walked in on one of my new bosses jerking off in the shower. And now he knows it.
Our gazes lock, and as soon as they do, my stomach swoops. I’m bracing myself for him to shout at me, to tell me to get out or step out of the shower and slam the bathroom door closed—but he doesn’t do any of those things.
Instead, he swallows, making his Adam’s apple rise and fall.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, and even with the hiss of the shower and the distance between us, I can hear the roughness in his voice.