I chuckle. “No, not quite.” I take a breath. Might as well get it all out. I don’t like keeping secrets, anyway. “I went to your old workplace. And I punched Alfred out.”

Lily freezes, her hands still on mine. “What?”

“I punched him out. I know you might feel like I overstepped, crossed boundaries, whatever, but that asshole deserved it. He deserved worse, actually. Then I purchased the company and fired him and the HR manager who wouldn’t do anything to help you.”

Lily’s face flushes. Her eyes are bright. She smells so fucking good, her scent wafting around me. I want to drown in it, in her soft curves, in her eyes, in her.

“Nobody’s ever done anything like that for me before,” she admits, her voice soft. “Thank you.”

“Hey.” I turn my bandaged hand over to catch her fingers in mine and squeeze gently. “Of course. It’s what you deserve. I’m just sorry that nobody’s done that for you before. But you have us now. And we’re going to look after you.”

The flush on Lily’s face deepens. “Thank you.” Her voice is barely a whisper.

Fuck, it would be so damn easy to lean in and kiss her.

I pull away and stand up. “You don’t have to thank me. I did what anyone should do. Especially any Alpha.”

I hurry out of the kitchen and go upstairs, abandoning the food left for me. Lily is a massive temptation, and I can’t give in. No matter how much I want to.

No matter how much I go to bed thinking of her.

Chapter 8


I don’t know what to do about Lawson’s kindness and protectiveness. I was telling the truth when I told him that nobody’s ever done that for me before, and I try to remind myself as I go to bed that it doesn’t mean anything special to him.

He said of course, and that it was what any decent Alpha would do. I might not be their official pack member, but clearly that Alpha need to protect is still strong.

I can’t read into it. I can’t let it be more than it really is.

I get into bed and open my romance novel again. I’ve just gotten to the exciting part. The Duke has finally agreed to marry the lady, but he hasn’t told her that he’s not a Beta like he pretends, he’s an Alpha. Ashamed of how his Alpha father treated his Omega mother, he’s sworn off his Alpha status, masking it as much as possible.

It’s a great plotline, but I start to lose focus on the narrative as I find myself imagining, not the stoic and short-haired Duke from England, but Lawson.

His hand under mine, his warm skin, the way he looked at me…

I put the book down and sink back against the pillows, swallowing my groan of frustration.

All night, I’ve been trying to focus on my romance novel, but for the first time, I’m struggling to focus on imagining the actual characters in the novel and getting lost in the story like I usually do. Instead, I keep imagining the four men. Cruz, Lawson, Miles… and even Knox, although I’m still not sure how much the gruff goalie likes me.

I might as well give up. I put my bookmark in, set the book aside, and turn out the light to go to bed.

That doesn’t help. In fact, I end up dreaming about them. I wake up flushed, breathing hard, my hands clenched in the sheets as my alarm goes off.

Damn it. I have got to pull myself together.

I get out of bed and take a quick shower, trying to center myself before I go down and start making breakfast. But I’ve only just started on it when Cruz comes in. I scent him before I see him, and I jolt a little as his sweet coconut and coffee scent nearly bowls me over.

“Sorry,” he says, wincing. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, it’s fine.” I clear my throat. “Lawson did the same thing last night, I’m just still getting used to sharing a house with people.”

Cruz looks good, dressed in low-slung sweats and a shirt that’s a bit tight around his arms. And he smells amazing. I don’t understand how it’s like my sense of smell is sharper around these four men than it is with anyone else, especially as a Beta. I guess it’s just been that long since I was attracted to someone, or around Alphas like this.

Or maybe these men are just that attractive.

“I hope you’ll settle in more, get used to us.” He smiles, the curve of his lips softening his entire face. “I admit I’m used to sharing with other people. I was glad that when I first joined the Titans, they put me with another family immediately.”