It’s several months later that we have the opening night for Miles’s planetarium.
I’m so excited I feel like I can hardly breathe.
Miles has worked so hard on this, and been so excited for it, and he’s finally getting to show this other side of himself to the world. I just know that everyone is going to embrace the rest of him and love it, just like I do.
There’s an opening night party to officially open the planetarium, with some reporters and influential people in the city to promote it, so we all get dressed up. I’m pretty damn pregnant at this point, so I wear a dress with a loose, flowing skirt.
Sometimes I worry that I don’t look very sexy right now, heavily pregnant like this, but my Alphas are always more than happy to reassure me, both with words and with actions, just how sexy they still find me.
I don’t feel insecure about my looks right now. I’m too busy glowing with happiness as Miles opens up the planetarium. He gives a speech and then there’s a short Q&A panel where he can answer questions. The other players are going to answer questions too, because as a way to get more people here to see the planetarium, this is our first interview since my Alphas won the Stanley Cup.
Some people thought we’d be too exhausted, opening the planetarium the day after the final game of the playoffs, but win or lose we knew that it would get people flocking to Miles’s project if they thought they could also talk to us about the game.
And just like I knew they would, my men won.
Having the Stanley Cup and seeing it in our home—all of the players take turns keeping the cup in their houses—makes me so happy, because I know that it makes my Alphas happy. It’s their dream finally come true and I couldn’t ask for a better ending to the season. Their dreams are my dream, after all, and I love nothing more than seeing my amazing Alphas happy and achieving the goals they deserve.
The reporters clearly want to ask about the playoffs most of all, but they’re polite and ask some questions about the planetarium first.
“Miles, what inspired you to do this? You talk about your lifelong love for astronomy; what gave you the push to create this planetarium after all these years as a pro hockey player?”
“I’ve always loved the stars, but I felt for a long time like I could only have one thing in my life. Hockey is a very demanding profession and I felt like I couldn’t be the hockey player that everyone wanted me to be, and also be that nerd that loved the stars and the planets, and just sitting on the roof with a telescope.”
Miles turns to me and smiles. “But then I met our amazing Omega, Lily. She taught me to embrace all that I am. She said that my fans would love this other part of me, and she was right. I’ve been so inspired by all the fans who’ve reached out to me to share their love of astronomy. I want to continue to inspire and educate others along with playing hockey, and I’ve realized that’s possible thanks to Lily.”
My heart swells and I blow him a kiss.
From there the questions move on to the hockey and the playoffs, which I know the reporters are eager for. Someone asks Cruz if winning the Stanley Cup was the highlight of his past year.
Cruz grins. “It was definitely close. Winning the Stanley Cup is a lifelong dream, and it means so much to me to have achieved it. But I wouldn’t have achieved it if I had pushed myself too hard with my shoulder.”
I’m so proud of Cruz for being able to talk publicly about his shoulder and how it almost became a proper injury, and how he needed to step back and rest it and do physio.
“I was stubborn, and I wanted to just keep pushing and acting like nothing was wrong. I wasn’t going to tell anyone, I was scared I’d be benched and my team wouldn’t make it to the playoffs because I had stepped back. But my other dream showed me that I was wrong and that I need to take care of myself. It’s because of her, the dream I didn’t even know I had, that I’ve been able to achieve this one.”
Cruz smiles at me, and just like when Miles looked at me, I can feel all the press cameras swing over to take my picture. My hand presses against my pregnant belly, instinctively protective of our unborn child even though the cameras pose no threat. We just found out that it’s going to be a girl, and I’m already so excited to meet her.
“Claiming Lily as our Omega was the very best thing that happened to me,” Cruz continues. “I didn’t know I needed her, or any Omega, until I found her, but now I can’t imagine my life without her.”
I can feel myself blushing and I blow him a kiss as well.
Afterwards, we go into the planetarium where there are some demonstrations for the public as well as champagne and food. Everyone relaxes and chats, exploring the beautiful space. I smile up and around us. It really is stunning.
“You put your heart and soul into it,” I tell Miles as he walks up to me. “And people can tell. It’s absolutely beautiful in here.”
“Not as beautiful as you,” he replies in a low, warm voice.
I flush again. I can’t help it. I just blush, every time, when my Alphas comment me.
“All right, everyone!” the planetarium manager says, clapping her hands together. “It’s time for the show!”
There’s a breathtaking scene that plays out on the inside of the dome, showing the planets and the galaxy and all the stars, explaining the legends behind some constellations, a brief history of astronomy as a science, that kind of thing. Miles’s recorded voice narrates it, and I can hear his warm voice booming out of the speakers as the show begins.
It makes me smile.
There are several sections where people can sit, including a big open pit where the kids are, and some private boxes. The Alphas and I settle into one of the latter, while Ben eagerly sits in the open area with the kids.
He’s become more outgoing and gregarious in the time that I’ve known him, moving on from his grief, and it makes me so happy. I know it makes Knox relieved too, knowing that his nephew will always love the mother he lost but won’t have to live forever in the shadow of his grief for her.