Cruz gets the call that finalizes everything right as we’re parking the car to get to practice, so we decide to show Lily as soon as practice is over.
When we get back to the house, Lily’s in the backyard, pushing Ben on the swing while Winston runs around them in circles, barking.
My heart feels so full, like it’s in danger of bursting. I’m so lucky to have her. I can’t wait for us to show her what we got her.
Lily smiles and waves when she sees us. “Did you guys have a good practice?”
“We did,” Cruz says. “Hey, we wanted to take you and Ben on a little surprise trip.”
Lily walks up to us, kissing each of us in turn. “A surprise trip? To where?”
I grin. “If we told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?”
Lily’s original dream was to go to college so she could get a literary degree, and we want to support her in that if that’s still what she wants at some point. But with a baby on the way and our own busy schedules, we decided that we wanted to give her something that we think she’ll end up liking even more.
We drive her into downtown, where we bought out the space and had it decorated the way that Lily likes, based on how she designed her nest at our home. We installed all the shelves, but we haven’t put anything in yet. We want her to choose the stock.
Lily frowns as we park and get out of the car. “What is this?”
I open the door for her. “It’s your bookstore.”
Lily stares at me, then stares at the store again. “No.”
“Yup.” Lawson takes her arm and leads her inside. “All these empty shelves are just waiting for you to pick the inventory you want to stock them with. Everything here is yours.”
Lily wanders through the empty store, open and waiting for her to make it her own, her eyes wide and alight with joy. “I can’t believe it,” she whispers.
“Believe it.” I smile, unable to help myself. It’s like all the love I have for her in my heart is spilling out of me, seeping through the cracks of me in my eyes and my mouth. I can’t possibly contain it. “This is all yours, Lily. Seriously. We wanted to give you something after everything you’ve given us. You encouraged us to live our best lives and reminded us that we’re more than just hockey players.”
“We wanted to give some of that back to you,” Cruz adds.
Lily turns to us and rushes over, grabbing us and kissing each of us in turn, her face lit up with joy. “Thank you!” she whispers to us, her eyes wet with happiness.
I know how she feels, when you’re so joyful that you almost have to cry about it, you can’t hold it in. I’m feeling that way myself, and it’s all because we’ve succeeded in making her happy.
Making Lily happy is the best feeling in the world.
Chapter 48
It’s finally here. The game that will clinch the playoff spot for the Titans.
My blood feels like it’s buzzing with anticipation as Andrea and I make our way with Ben to our seats.
The whole family is here, all of my Alphas’ parents and family members. It’s a huge gaggle of people taking up two benches in the stands, and I love it. It was nerve-wracking to meet them, I admit. I was worried that they wouldn’t like me or wouldn’t think I was good enough for their sons.
But everyone has been so kind to me and so happy to meet me, especially when my Alphas told them I have no family of my own. They’ve welcomed me with open arms, and for the first time in my life, I have this big, sprawling, messy family.
It’s everything I ever wanted, and everything I thought I wouldn’t ever truly have. I really don’t have words to describe how happy I am.
We settle into our seats as the players skate around for their warm up. The men see that I’ve settled in right at the rink side seats, and skate up to say hi. We can’t really hear each other through the glass, especially with the arena music blaring, but we wave at each other.
Ben presses himself up against the glass where Knox is, waving frantically. Knox takes off his glove and presses his bare hand to the glass against where Ben’s hand is, almost like their hands are touching.
I snap a photo with my phone camera, I just have to. Ben is so close with all of us. I don’t want to push him to call me or my Alphas anything, but I know in my heart that we’re his parents now. He loves all the Alphas as his fathers. But he and Knox are especially close, and I think they always will be. Their bond brings me so much joy.
But the game does have to start, so with a final wave the Alphas pull away, and we settle into our seats.